re-arranging numbers

  • When I found out I had diabetes and really started to get serious about weight loss I was 272 pounds.

    This morning I am 227. I like the arrangement of these numbers so much better!

    After being stuck between 235 and 230 for so long, I am doing a happy dance around here this morning!
  • Congrats! I think that 230-235 weightjam must be pretty common. I just broke through it myself.
  • Woo-hoo 2behealthy! Congrats!!
  • Way to go on getting into the 220's.
  • That is great. Doing the happy dance with you!

  • oh, man! and you did it! Congrats!
  • Congratulations
  • Congratulations !
  • Congrat's, that is awesome!
  • Thanks everyone. It feels so good to be back on track and see things moving in the right direction. It is terrible hot outside, but I am heading off to my 3 mile walk soon with a bit of enthusiasm tonight!