Last night I had a dream that..

  • ..I was on this airplane that was just driving and driving - like it tried to take off into the air but it couldn't. So it just kept driving for miles and miles down the runway.

    Inside this plane was a buffet style table with people sitting on both sides. They kept bringing us all this food and I just kept eating it. Eating and eating and eating.. everyone in the plane was eating a ridiculous amount! And since the plane couldn't take off and just kept driving we all just kept eating. The one thing I remember eating was pancakes with syrup.. and underneath the pancakes was a bed of spaghetti noodles drenched in syrup (uh, ew.).

    So as I take the first bite of the noodles, the girl across from me is taking a bite of hers, and then she starts to look and act like she is about to throw up.. which makes me start feeling like I'm gonna do the same..

    And then I woke up.


    Any of you ever had any crazy food related dreams?? Or any crazy dreams at all for that matter?
  • I have had crazy food dreams but not as often as I have had smoking dreams.

    I haven't had a cigarette in 3 years but I still every great once in a while have very vivid dreams of smoking tons of cigarettes and waking up feeling like I have really smoked. I have done the same with food dreams but only if I have been real serious about staying strict to my food plan.

    I think it has everything to do with a fear that I might screw up and smoke again or eat something I shouldn't. But I haven't had any of the food dreams since I've started counting calories. I only had those dreams when I was restricting carbs. I like the freedom of counting calories because I can have basically what I want to as long as its within my daily calorie limit.
  • Seeing as food can be an addiction, it's easy to have dreams about it probably when you're trying to "go cold turkey".

    I used to have a problem with cocaine, back when I was like 20 (part of the reason why I gained 80lbs+ in a year and a half and then couldn't get rid of it til now) and I had dreams about doing it all the time, up until at least two or three years ago (I'm 27 now).

    The mind is a jungle, for sure.....
  • You were probably just hungry. Last week I had a dream about cinnamon rolls and I don't even like them. I woke up right after the dream and I was STARVING!!!
  • Oh, the food dreams I have had. I am really bad about having dreams where I eat stuff, without even caring what I'm eating, then wake-up mad at myself because I ate off plan only to realize that it was just a dream. It's scary to think that food is always on my mind so much that I can't even shut off the thoughts when I'm sleeping.
  • I was told once at a crazy diet center (that advertises on this site thru the Google ads) by the nurse there that the reason I wasn't losing weight was because I was dreaming about food. That because I DREAMED about it, my body wouldn't "release".

  • Quote: I was told once at a crazy diet center (that advertises on this site thru the Google ads) by the nurse there that the reason I wasn't losing weight was because I was dreaming about food. That because I DREAMED about it, my body wouldn't "release".


    Now I've heard it all
  • WAIT, it gets BETTER -- then I had to bend over and get a needle stuck in my A$$ -- part of the regime. And THEN I asked the nurse; if the literature says I'm getting 900 -1100 calories a day, but I do the count on what I'm allowed, I'm only getting 452 calories. So where are my missing calories? And SHE says: IN THE NEEDLE. And I say: So the 3 ml of vitamins you give me have 448 calories??? IMPOSSIBLE, even IF the 3ml was pure fat, it wouldn't have 448 calories in it. And SHE says: Now you're being difficult, and if you continue, you'll have to leave the program. And I say: FINE. And I leave, lose 500 NON-refundable dollars, and regain EVERYTHING back!

    MAN it took me a long time to learn, but I was laughing about this from the minute I left...

  • Rofl!!!!!!!