Switch to low carb to lose final pounds?

  • I'm wondering if switching to a low carb diet would help me shake these last 15 lbs. So far I have lost 35 lbs by counting calories, exercise, cutting way back on sugar, and eating more fruits, veggies & fiber.

    The reason I ask, is that I'm getting frustrated by the many plateaus I keep getting hung up on. I've done South Beach before but didn't like the limitations on fruits. Any thoughts?
  • OK, so if you didn't like South Beach cause of the restriction on fruit, what is appealing to you about a low-carb plan? Cause they ALL restrict fruits in some way or another.

    And is this about losing the weight ONLY? I mean, you can go super restrictive, lose the weight, then what? Go back to fruit? And regain?

    I would go low-carb IF and ONLY IF it SUITED MY LIFESTYLE and I COULD SUSTAIN IT. Which is the same for ANY eating plan, regardless of what it is. So this isn't an anti-low carb rant. It is an anti - I wanna do something drastic that I can't sustain in the long term in order to get the right number on the scale even if it is only for 2 weeks rant!


  • I agree with Kira. I would not switch to something I wouldn't be able or willing to do for life.
  • Quote: I would go low-carb IF and ONLY IF it SUITED MY LIFESTYLE and I COULD SUSTAIN IT. Which is the same for ANY eating plan, regardless of what it is. So this isn't an anti-low carb rant. It is an anti - I wanna do something drastic that I can't sustain in the long term in order to get the right number on the scale even if it is only for 2 weeks rant!


    Kira, you make a powerful argument against the ever-tempting quick fix. It's taken me 6 months to get this far, but now that the finish line is in sight, I guess I'm feeling antsy to get there! Also, I keep saying when I lose the weight I'll fly down to see my old friend in NM. I love her dearly, but she's one of those freaks of nature who forgets to eat and was born skinny. The last time she saw me I was 30+ lbs heavier, and I'd really like to surprise her and say, "TA-DA!".

    The way I eat now is how I want to eat forever. The thought of cutting my carbs IS very unrealistic in the long term for me. I love my Kashi cereal and fruits too much to stick with it! Ah well... thanks for the reality check. It's best to be the turtle not the hare.
  • Just throw in a couple lower carbs days into your diet plan.

    You are at the point where dieting is harder and goes slower. Your deficit is smaller, that's natural. It's going to take a longer time now, so accept that, eat the right way, and you'll get there.

    The best way to eat a lower carb diet is to just increase your protein. I try to eat over 100g of protein a day, that the goal I aim for (doesn't always happen) but the days I eat say 140g of protein automatically turn into lower carb days (carbs under 100g.)

    But in my opinion, calories come first. Just get the best calories in that you can.
  • Ms Kelly, you've done SO WELL. We're about the same height and you're at 158 after 6 MONTHS!!! I'm 165 lbs and 6 months ago, I was 191lbs. So relatively speaking, we're doing close to the same (making me the turtle and you the hare here!!!)...and I think that is AMAZING because with a new life, we'll be able to maintain what we've done.

    We're both SO close and I know about the anxious feeling about just GETTING there already, but I think it is important to keep in mind that this ISN"T about the goal per se, it is about getting to that optimal state and STAYING there. And everything we do today will give us the best chance of making tomorrow great!

    Hang in there...I'm rooting for you!

  • Thanks Kira, I'm rooting for YOU too! Your progress & accomplishments are very inspiring. Like you, I want to reach my goal (ok, I'll take a deep breath and take my time)... and hang onto it for good.

    "Alright"... thank you, I will concentrate on getting more protein. Actually until now I haven't been tracking it. Maybe I'll hunt around for protein powder to add to my smoothies.
  • hey don't give up !!! ur in the homestretch...its a hurdle you can get past..stay focused and let us know...but i would also watch how to approach it cause you don't wanna get to your goal and gain it back...be patient you've gotten this far you can do it!!!