I'm home: includes surgery recov. and vacation

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  • Hello my lovely chickies whom I missed SO FREAKING MUCH!!!!!!

    We got home from our lovely oceanside vacation last night (after another 12 hour drive bleh) and I'm happy to be home!!!!

    Gall bladder surgery recovery was honestly? A piece of cake. Days 1 and 2 post surgery sucked. Day three was feeling better. Day four was feeling pretty good. Day five we traveled 12 hours and that BIT but I took lots of pain meds and made it through. By day 8 I was feeling AWESOME and now, by day 15 I am feeling completely back to normal. Better than normal! TMI but my poops are FINALLY normal after NOT being normal for the past four months.

    Vacation was awesome. Hard to stay totally on plan being in someone elses house. Eating their cooking. I stayed within portion control but I totally ate stuff I would not have normally ate and just worked it into my calories. I'm feeling a bit stressed about getting back to NORMAL eating but I'm just going to go for it and see how it goes.

    I HAVE to stop the "just a bite" of everyone elses yummy stuff. I accounted for all of my "jab's" but it's a bad bad habit to get into and one that is NOT easy to stop. One day at a time right?

    The morning we left I was 250.6 lbs. This morning I was 241.2. I briefly saw 240.6 but we had roast beef sandwiches for lunch yesterday (deli=sodium) lots of prepackaged snacks (goldfish, 100 calorie packs) that were easier for travelling with. Again I didn't go over calories but it was WHAT I ate.

    So today is a 1400 calorie day. Goal=stay totally on plan, no jabs, LOTS AND LOTS of water

    I missed you guys and I am so glad to be back full time!
  • woot! welcome home! I'm glad you're feeling so much better!

    Yea, that 'just a bite' is a killer to get out of - I too lost weight on vacation, then gained 8lbs in 8 days once I was back. DON'T DO IT!

    Great to have you back.
  • Missed you too! Welcome back!!!!!!!!
  • So glad you're back!! Sounds like you handled recovery quite well. Sounds like you handled being out of your safe environment pretty well too!! And that my dear is no easy task. Well, at least for most of us it's not. For you - it's a walk in the park. I was going to say a piece of cake, but, oh never mind...

    I understand your trepidation about getting back to YOUR plan and YOUR "tight" eating, but rest assured you will. You will. And you'll be relieved and thrilled to do so when you see how smoothly and "natural" it seems. I betcha it'll take you less the 3 days to be back in the "groove".

    Welcome back. You were missed.
  • Welcome back

    It's great that your recovery went so well and that you are now free from all that pain. I have no doubt that you will have no problem getting back on track with your eating. After all we count you to be a source of inspiration.
  • Welcome back! I'm so glad that your recovery and vacation went so well! for keeping track of every jab even while on vacation in someone else's house with someone else cooking. You ARE an inspiration!
  • woohoo! Congrats and welcome home.
  • So glad you are home and doing so well after your surgery - and that "everything" is back to normal.
  • I am SO happy you are home!!!!
    You did a FANTASTIC job while on vacation!!!!! WTG!
  • Hi cfmama - I am very glad that things went smoothly for your surgery and it's recovery. You did very well on vacation - all things considered. I wish you well as you hop into your comfort zone of 'your food' and 'your plan' again.
  • Welcome back! I can't believe you dropped almost 10 pounds on vacation! WTG!!
  • Welcome back!!! Glad you're better!
  • Welcome back!!
  • Welcome back!!
  • Welcome back!! So glad to hear that you are feeling well.