Terrific Tuesday!

  • Coffee's on!

    It's looking pretty "funny" out, but we're not supposed to get anything until late afternoon. We're going to the club this morning for swim lessons, and plan to spend the rest of the day there staying cool.
    I took the girls out for school supplies yesterday morning, and that can be quite a challenge. Schools specify a specific type of binder and specific kind of folders, and it about drove me insane looking for them. We got what we could, and we have a couple of weeks left to look for the rest of the stuff on their lists. Even so, I couldn't believe the total when the cashier rang it all up.

    I hope everyone is remembering to drink lots of fluids in these dog days of August!
  • Good morning Cottage. The pool sounds like the best place to be. I don't miss shopping for school supplies. I'm not sure spending someone else's money would improve that enough

    I'm just slogging through the week and trying to get everything in place for my time off. We have just little plans but I'm taking 2 full weeks off. I really just need to be away from the office and hope that helps. I'm off to my parents for a few days then home a few then DP and I are off to the far northern reaches of NH. Of course there's an internet connection there, though not at the parents. I have a huge list between now and then of course.

    I hope the sun is shining through where you are today.
  • Good morning. I slept until 6:15 with no dogs to wake me. It sure felt good!

    We are muggy today and have the usual forecast of afternoon thundershowers. Looks like this is going to be the only hot week this summer. I am hoping the AC gets re-installed today when the electrician is here to do his magic. Whoops! Just realized the air flows through the furnace pipes so I'll have to wait until the furnace guy comes.

    The dogs may stay at 4PawsInn a bit longer as the backfilling is still not done. I miss them, of course, but it sure was nice to go to town yesterday and stay as long as I wanted without worrying about them. So silly as I've left them for seven hours and they were fine!

    Julie and Julia was a great movie! Now I want to dig out my Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I somehow doubt anything in there is SBD friendly but you never know. Boeuf Bourguignon appeared several times in the film and it might be OK with several adaptations. Braised cucumbers, maybe? Meryl Streep was superb as usual and WAS Julia.

    I'll be sort of at loose ends today except for deciding where the electrical outlets will go in my new room. I hope to get some sewing done while the power is still on and will do a load or two of laundry too if I can. In other words, it'll be the Big Domestic with constraints!

    Have a Terrific Tuesday, Beachies.
  • Hi everyone

    I've been MIA and I want to thank you all for the PMs I received. I have had a pretty rough go for 5 days but things are looking up. I'll be headed into some better nutrition soon.

    I'm back at the good house, but wasn't able to bring my bike. I have a slug of tomatoes, but it was too dark last night when we got here.

    I'm just focusing on being good to myself. When I hop into my other addiction I'm a totally different person. I'd really like to get back to my fun life.
  • Quote: I have a slug of tomatoes, but it was too dark last night when we got here.
    I've never heard that before but for some reason I find it really funny
    It's good to see you back here.

    Ruth - Enjoy your day with no obligations. You get so few of them.
    I'm adding that movie to my Netflix queue now.

    Okay, off to start day 2 of the trudge toward vacation
  • Happy Tuesday!

    Cottage, Auston's school list was way too specific. He has sissors, but they are NOT Fiskars. The world will not stop rotating!

    Cyndi, You can do anything for two days! Hooray for Vacation!

    Ruth, I can't wait to see Julie and Julia. Wonder if they will make a movie about Justin Wilson?

    Debbie, Glad you are here! Enjoy your tomatoes.

    SunshineCA, Welcome Back! You are right... Nothing like your own bed.

    Me: It's going to be a busy, busy day today. Staff meeting this morning; Team meeting at Noon; Forensic Interview with 7 year old at 1:30; Meet the Teacher at 5 this evening. Sheesh! Auston's teacher's mother used to work in my office. She died of breast cancer last year. I've only heard wonderful things about her.

    Here's a pic of my mom and me at the Jazzercise Parade. I can't figure out how to post it here.

    Hope you all have a fabulous day!
  • I remember supply lists that specific. That's why we started buying from the school. Now that Brian is in 7th they won't even give out the list before the first day of school which means I miss out on most of the sales and the tax free weekend. They tell him to just bring paper and a pencil the first day.

    Brian had friends over last night and played Wii Rock Band for hours. They are coming back tonight too. I want him to get as much fun in as he can before school starts. He's got a dental cleaning this afternoon but that shouldn't take long. And I've got a meeting in 5 minutes for work with some guy in India who can't get our website to load. Good thing I'm WFH because Brian is still asleep.
  • Hi chicks, yesterday was pretty crazy, but I survived and today should quiet down a bit (famous last words). The thing I had been fearing happened - my manager and my division manager both sent me friend invites on facebook. I had seen that they were on from mutual friends' profiles, but I hoped they would be sensitive to the personal vs professional issues. So now, I will feel like I am being watched, but if I ignored them, then they would think I'm hiding something, right? Funny thing is, one of them was sent at 1:30PM yesterday, so I guess my manager hangs out on FB during the day. Now if they join 3FC, I'm in big trouble!

    Just work today, but my mom's goats had babies yesterday so she's coming to take the kids for a visit. Good thing because they are driving me nuts - DS had a friend sleep over and they are entertaining themselves by tormenting DD. Much shrieking. Less than two weeks until school starts, woo-hoo!

    I promise to post our pic today. I saw your pix on FB, very fun!
    cyndi, hope your week goes by quickly.
    ruth, 6:15, that's a real sleep-in!.
    cottage, I haven't started the BTS shopping yet. Maybe this weekend?
    Lexxis, not sure what was going on, but glad you are back! Hope all is well.
    Have a great day Barb.

    Okay, here's the chickmeet photo. Please remember we were hot and sweaty from Jazzercise! And my hair looks like **** from being in a ponytail. End of disclaimers.
  • Schmoodle, Even red and sweaty, we are too cute!
  • Schmoo and Chel Love the Pics!!! and schmoo you should see my hair today! Kierie the Bride of Frankenstien!
    Lexiss Any Kind of Addiction takes you away from who you are I'm glad you're back with us!!
    Barb I'm having Wii envy. . .Glad you get some Fun Brian time before school starts back up
    Cyn the Vacay is So Close!!!
    Cottage Swimming and school supplies sound good!
    Ruth I read the book and loved it! just have to convince DH its theatre worthy
    Just IMHO- What is it with the specific School supply lists?? When we were in school you bought whatever Binder/Paper/Notebook combo you bought and that was that
    Yesterday my BP and blood sugar was all wacko so I inhaled a few packs of PB crackers through the course of the day numb hnds face feet and dizzy
    I realized I have a new iron supplement I thought was stronger
    and I messed up my usual eating pattern and worked out a lot harder than normal.
    So a little less exercising and watching what I eat today!
  • Hi

    I took Chelbys hint and posted some summer photos

  • Went to "Meet the Teacher". I have to admit, I'm a bit overwhelmed. Lots of requirements and responsibilities. The easy 'mom and son' days are over. I'm so sad. Who has kleenex? <sniff>
  • Quote: SunshineCA, Welcome Back! You are right... Nothing like your own bed.
    Thank you!
  • I've been so swamped I haven't had much time to check in with you guys. I'm not able to get on until late but I guess better late than never is always good.

    I forget everyone starts school later than we do. Seems like the kids were just let out for summer break and we're getting ready again. I remember summer lasting so long as I was growing up. Now, it flies by so quickly.

    My Mom is still in the hospital and it looks like they're going to keep her until at least the weekend. The doctor said her pancreas was just aggravated by something she ate/drank recently. I had to run more errands for her, took her more of her belongings from home, did her hair, etc. She also helps out my Grandmother so guess who had to step in?

    I'm on Day 2/Level 1 of my 30-Day Shred. I refuse to quit now as I want to see those results on Day 30 and beyond!

    See ya'll soon!