Hi There! Young and Trying!

  • Hi, my name is Norma. I'm 15 years old, and i'm really overweight. At 5'1" and over 60 pounds overweight, i'm really chunky! My doctor says that according to my height and age, I should be around 100-110 lbs. I currently weigh 169 lbs and am determined to take that number down to 115. I know i'll be able to find great help and support from all of you and I really am hoping to become healthy within the next year. Thank you for reading!!

  • Welcome! We're all glad you are here. You will find a ton of inspiring and motivating things to read here. We're all rooting for you!
  • Hi Norma and welcome to 3FC!

    Good luck with your goals.

  • Do you have any specific plan you are following as far as foods/exercises? I wish you the very best! If you ever need any support this is the place to be.
  • Quote: Do you have any specific plan you are following as far as foods/exercises? I wish you the very best! If you ever need any support this is the place to be.
    I've been cutting back red meats, mostly because I don't like them and cos eating too much is bad for you. I'm also drinking a lot more water, taking morning walks, and I go to the gym with my older sister (we do 1mile cardio, 30 minutes weights, 30 minutes abs) at least twice a week, and cleaning up more around the house. I don't have a "specific" anything, but i'm making little, gradual changes.
  • gradual changes are definitely the way to go. Good luck!
  • Hi, Norma, and welcome. Good luck accomplishing your weight loss goals.


  • thanks everyone for the welcomes!
  • Welcome!