Olympic Weight Set

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  • My boyfriend has an olympic weight bench set (I think that is what he called it) and I am wanting to know some exercises I could do with it so if anyone has some tips, please share.
  • Can you describe it? Like is it a bench that has a couple hooks, about waist height for the barbell?

    Olympic weights generally refer to the type of barbell and weight plates used with it.

    You can do a lot of exercises with barbells but squats and lunges are probably my favorite. You can do bench presses too but I prefer pushups (and variations). You can also do bent over rows with barbells but again I would recommend pullups (and variations).

    Overall, I'd recommend reading over this website and perhaps follow one of the weight training regimens laid out there or use it to form your own:
  • The bench thing looks a lot like this -
  • Then he has various weight thingies that range in 2.5 pound-50 pound that get put on the bars that are connected to the bench. Sorry, I don't know the names for the stuffs :|
  • So is there a barbell at all? (long bar, maybe around 7 ft long?)
  • Hehe yes, sorry
  • I am trying to post a pic of the one we have but keep getting a red x...any ideas?
  • Lemme try again
    Okay, this is the bench we have -

  • Yeah I think the most useful piece of that is the barbell although you don't really have a way to protect yourself if you get in trouble (other than dropping it, hopefully not on yourself)

    I would recommend at looking at forming a weight training routine and use the barbell where you can. The stumptuous link I posted is really good. Also it looks like you may have a pullup bar? That is useful too even for modified or hanging pullups if you don't have the strength to do a unsupported one. (I don't and many women don't)
  • Thanks so much nelie
  • Chic, Do you have a TV and DVD or VHS player in the room? I'm a big fan of workout DVD's!

    Your bar alone probably weighs at least 30-40 lbs without adding the plates {round donut weights}, I would start with it alone before you added weights. We have two non-olympic barbell sets and just the bars alone weight 13-15lbs. {we don't have a bench} You can also hold just the plates for exercises in place of dumbbells for things like bicep curls, kickbacks, and squats.

    This is another good site for exercises and in some cases this one shows videos of how to do the workouts correctly. http://www.exrx.net/index.html

    If I can help you further I'd be happy to. Do you do weightwork now or are you trying to start?
  • I do have tv/dvd player

    I am just trying to start I reckon. I mean, My Fitness Coach for the Wii(which is one of the workouts I am doing now) utilizes hand weights and mine are 5 pounds each Not much, I am sure. I really just have no idea what to do or where to begin with that weight bench and set stuffs . And when I ask my bf, he always says I probably can't do anything with it
  • I'm sure you can do more than you think.

    Well, with the bar by itself you can do deadlifts, squats, barbell curls {same as bicep curls, only you are holding a bar}, overhead press, plie squats, etc. With the leg attachment you can lay on your stomach and do hamstring curls, lay on your back and do leg raises, lay on you back and do a modified pullup by pulling your upper body up to the stationary bar.

    When I started lifting weights I was using 2, 5's dumbbells, we all have to start somewhere.
  • http://exercise.about.com/cs/exercis...talworkout.htm




    I found some links I thought might help you. These are workouts that give pictures and tell how to do the exercise. Not all are approprate for you bench but they might give you some ideas.
  • You rock, Penguin. Thank you so much