Positive Uplifting Notification: One Positive Thing About Me Today Is......Part Four

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  • Hey everybody! I am still sick - this ear infection plus whatever else it is is beating the crap out of me! Seriously, I get up to pee and then I am exhausted for three hours. Gonna see my doctor tomorrow and thankfully my MIL will be taking me as I am way too dizzy to drive. Fun times!

    However, there is a positive to be found in my terrible day - the Yankees are giving the Sox the what for and they are gonna take two of three at Fenway! Wheee!

    I haven't kept up on the thread really but I hope you are all doing fabulously!
  • Good morning ladies,
    Yes I think I am back to my old self again. After spending countless hours thinking about the decision my brother, sister and I had to make concerning my mother and not telling her about the passing of her sister, I truly feel I made the right choice and feel much better about the whole situation. As with most dementia cases, any trauma, weather it be physical or emotional can only make the symptoms worse. As much as I miss my mom the way she use to be, she is still my mom and I'll take all I can get of her.
    So on with the show! I'm gonna do a consolidated personals today.

    HotWings, fungirl, CJ, Ags - Thank you all so much for your kind words and support as I was agonizing over this decision I had made.

    Feel better girl soon girl!

    That's it for me today. I am struggling to get back into the routine of getting my son up and ready for school, packing his lunch, which I have done everyday for the last 8 years, you'd think I'd have it down by now. I may have the only child that has never eaten a school lunch before.

    Wish me luck as I go through withdrawal symptoms, due to no child in the house from 7:15 AM to 2:00 PM.

    Oh, I forgot my positive(s)!

    #1) I am at peace with my decision concerning my mom.
    #2) I stayed on track during all the above crap!
    #3) The rains stopped long enough to grab a bit of exercise in the pool
    #4) School starts today and although I will miss my baby terribly, I get to
    continue my education learning Algebra again! UGH!!!

    Have a great day and remember...

    Guardrails Up!!!

    Later - Learn
  • Hello all you lovely ladies...

    Nooch: I hope its nothing serious! Get better soon and good luck at the doc's!!!

    Learn: I'm happy to see you are doing well. You are such a strong person, I admire you for that quality!!!

    Ags: My chiroprator is the best!!! He would never hurt me...he's the only one I trust with my back. I think the brusing was a result of going in too much PLUS that darn muscle spasm that was preventing my back to go back in. I was laughing so hard on what you wrote about that!! I love ya babe!!!

    It sounds like you and hubby had an amazing Sunday!!! Those are the times to cherish!!!

    CJ: WOW!!! 3 lbs is awesome (even for a wonky scale). . Ooohhh....you have me intrigued about that metobolism thingy. That sounds super neat!!!

    Hot: Tai Chi is a great workout!!! Its a very slow moving exercise but it really a lot on muscles. Its also very realxing...but you will feel it the next day . Also, that was so nice of you to clean your folks place!!! What a nice thing to come home to after a vacation!!!

    For me, I was stressing out about a new client today but she hasn't come home yet !! So, now I get to relax till tomorrow lol. Also, I FINALLY fit into a dress I bought on clearance about 5 years ago!! Its very pretty. I paid $30 and the reg. price was $120!!!! Even if I don't wear it anywhere before it gets to big on me, I happy it finally FITS!!! I may sell it or give it away (so someone else can get some use out of it)...Oh, and also a skirt I had bought for my dads retirement party last year is too big on me now!!! Time to start the "sell or giveaway" pile!!! WHOO HOO!!!
  • Excellent positive today - I was finally able to get out of bed for more than the time it takes to pee! I washed my hair for the first time in I'm not even going to tell you how long and I feel much better now. I had to cut the shower short because I was getting dizzy and faint but I'm squeaky clean and feeling a little better now! And tomorrow I see my doctor and I get an almighty Z-pack to clear up whatever plague this is!

    Hope everybody is doing wonderfully this evening!
  • Hello to all of my lovelys,

    everyone seems to be on an upward spiral and that's just what the doctor ordered, all things looking up.

    Learn, way proud of you kiddo, you put everything into perspective and everything is now back in order.

    Nooch, let us know what the doc says. So glad you are clean once again.

    Rena, okay I will let your doc slide since you say he is the best, but only cause you said so!!!!! Hot dang girl, the dress in fitting, way to go. Now wear it somehow and show it and you off!!!!

    Hottie, you never cease to amaze me, Tae what, always embarking on something new. You are so adventureous, I use to be, guess I got old!! LOL LOL

    Okay we have got a whole lot of folks missing around, don't worry I won't put you on blast, but just know that you are really being missed. I need all of my fuzzy wuzzies here. Now Bite I am really getting concerned about you, not like you to stay away soooooo long. Here is a great BIG I MISS YOU KISS coming your way. Nona, are your classes over yet?????? Thighs, Shia, Leslie b, oooops, I forgot I said no blast. Bye bye. LOL LOL

    Had a nice day today at work, not too stressfull, amd maybe just maybe tomorrow will be even better. Okay did you get it or miss it, that was my positive for the day.

    Love hugs and blessings,
    Ags Nite nite
  • hola chicas,

    learnI'm so glad your at peace with your decision

    nooch You know I was having very similar symptoms as you earlier this month. and it turned out I had a horrible kidney infection! I was soooo dizzy everything made me feel woozy and faint and nauseated like I was car sick constantly it was horrible I was also super tired I felt like I had mono! I thought I was preggers but thank god it was a kidney infection! You may want to ask to get checked for that!

    betty girlcongrats on fitting into your dress!

    my positives I was very productive today I went to work went and did all my costco grocery shopping, and safeway shopping done put all groceries away by my self, cooked a fabulous low calorie tater tot casserole for dinner and am almost caught up with laundry!
  • Good Morning Gals,
    Well it was a low attendance day again here on the 3FC positive thread. OMG! Where the heck is everybody, I can hear the sound of my keyboard echoing as I type.

    Maria- Care to share that low calorie tater tot casserole? Sounds yummy! One question, "is there such a thing as being caught up on laundry?"

    Ags- You are so right, it's getting kinda lonely around here. Thank goodness we have our faithful few coming and boasting about all the positive things going on in their lives. Hey, I got it right away, you had a great monday at work! You rock neighbor!

    nooch- I thought I smelled something! LOL!! Only kidding darling!!! I'm glad you were able to get up for a while and take a shower. A nice warm shower or bath always feels so good when you feel like crap. Get Z-Pack, Get well!!!

    betty- Thank you for your kind words. And look at you shrinking your way into a whole new wardrobe. Your rocking the clothing racks!!!

    As for me, my positives are...

    1) Stayed OP, actually stayed so strict OP it's scary. I have been fighting with water retention for several weeks now and last week when I ended up 12.5lbs. up and my legs from the thighs down were so swollen and tight I took out the big guns so to speak and have attacked with a vengeance. This is day 3 of my attack and I could actually see some definition in my ankles. I am normally known for having extremely skinny (the only skinny part of me) ankles. So my strategy is working. I got on the scale this morning and WOW! But it's a secret until my official weigh-in on Sunday morning, so you'll have to wait.
    2) I got in my whole exercise routine yesterday in the pool. No rain!!!
    3) When I got up yesterday it was an awesome 67 degrees, that's about 20 degrees cooler than it has been. AH! it felt soooo good!!! Then it went back up to 90.

    That's it for me ladies, I hope everyone has a fantastic Tuesday and remember...

    Guardrails Up!!!

    Later - Learn
  • Good Morning ladies!

    CJ- I also try to get in at least 5 meals a day. It works but it takes some time for your body to adjust. But once it does...whoosh! It really helped me identify the hunger feeling (which was very new to me) and helped me stay on track. Good luck!

    Nooch-I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Nothing like a shower after being sick for a couple of days. I think it's part of the recovery process

    Learning- Good for you! Sometimes I feel like I'm in a battle with my body in the effort to get healthy. It will act up sometimes and I have to show it who's boss.

    Ags- I'm glad work is not stressfu for you and hopefully it'll be a breeze the rest of the week.

    Well ladies I have a lot of positives!
    1) My birthday was Sunday and my sister made me a cake. I had one small slice....and managed to give the rest away! I was sooooooo proud of myself (not too long ago, I would have polished off the whole thing)and I went to the gym and got my workout in.
    2) I have an interview today for an internship in a domestic violence law center and I'm able to fit into a business suit I bought a couple of months ago!
    3) I measure my weight-loss in 6 wk increments. Since I started 6 wks ago I have: A) Lost 22lbs, B) lost 28 inches all over my body! I can't believe how much better I feel! I no longer break into a sweat from walking into another room, my heart doesn't race after I eat and I have more confidence in myself. It has been a good six weeks and I can't wait till the end of the next! Have a good day ladies
  • Happy Birthday, Fungirl28!!! Better late than never!
  • hola chicas!

    fun girl good job on only eating one slice!! I LOOOVEE cake so I know that must have been hard! and congrats on fitting into your suit! i love when clothes fit me better!

    learn congrats on getting in your whole work out and attacking that water weight! I've been on plan with a vengeance the past 3 days as well trying to really buckle down before my trip! and can't wait to hear your weigh in results!

    ags wheres my cyber mama???

    shia where you hiding at ?

    My positives are I've been hard core on plan not slacking at all! really being accountable for what i put in my mouth and fixing yummy foods in the process!

    and I have full intentions on going back to the gym tonight for the first time in a long while! and setting up a work out with my personal trainer!

    oh here is my tater tot caserole recipe

    *One pack of lean ground turkey breast-(120 cals for the whole pack but this makes 4 servings)

    I put a little pam in the pan and cook the meat add some fresh ground pepper, a little seasoning salt, garlic salt, onion powder, and garlic and herb mrs dash (you can season to your taste I'f i make it for my hubby I put in some paprika, chili powder, cayenne pepper, some red crushed pepper and chipotle seasoning he likes it spicey)

    then to the meat I add one can of campbells 98%fat free cream of celery only 120 cals in the whole can but since this recipe makes 4 servings it's only 30 cals per serving and add a whole can of water. stir together until the soup is all cooked and combined

    - then in a baking pan I use a small glass or metal square cake pan sprinkle 2 servings(24 tater tots) of ore ida extra crispy tater tots (120 cals per servings)the extra crispy ones for some reason are lower calorie then the regular ones!

    -then pour the meat, soup and water mix over the tater tots
    -then sprinkle 1/2 cup of reduced fat shredded cheese over the meat
    - then add another 24 tater tots over the cheese just place them on randomly
    - put in oven on 425 for 30-35 mins!
    divide the square into four equal servings

    each square or serving will contain

    30 cals of ground turkey
    30 cals of cream of celery soup
    240 cals of tater tots
    40 cals of cheese

    340 cals total! and it's is a HUGE serving! I save my other piece for lunch the next day

    you can also add in veggies or eat them on the side I typically add in one or more of the following frozen sweet peas, green beans, corn or carrots
  • Hello my beautiful chica's,

    Everyone is doing great, but expect that from you darlin's.

    Nooch, please get well soon, I miss your sparky post. But that is okay as long as I still get to see your beautiful face.

    Maria, Cyber Mom is here baby. Not to fret. That's right baby girl staying on point says it all.

    Fun, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, so sorry it is late but I did not know. You have done outstanding things in only six weeks, you are such an inspiration. Keep up all the good work, it is surely paying off. Now knock them dead in that interview.

    Learn, Yeah, back in the pool again!!!!!

    Yeah Shia, WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU......??????? I will be calling you this weekend so answer the phone girlfriend.Sara, missing you!!!!!!

    Lot's of our ladies have gone MIA, what's up???? Do we stink!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL

    My positive is that my day has gone well, despite my knee acting up and trying to give out. Notice I said trying, I was able to catch myself each time. Hootie, the knee thing may become a reality. My any means necessary.

    TIred as heck little darlings so I am off and running for the cover.

    Love you forever,
  • Helllloooo Ladies!

    Well, my days lately have been topsy turvey, to the point where I was at the stage of "oh well, I don't care", the the next minute I would be like "I can do this". The "I can do this" WON!!! Onderland had posted (not sure where it was) about "sparkpeople.com". I decided to check it out and am glad I did. I ended printing out a whack of articles on motivation and goals etc. WOW, that was the kick in that pants I needed!!!

    Sooo, the dreaded weigh in came and I lost 2.4lbs. I'm happy with that (despite the 8 lbs I gained last week lol). It was a loss and that's what matters. I'm gonna go to the gym tomorrow before my massage. I can't wait!!!!! I actually miss the gym and the massage is a super bonus (the massage therapist is located in the gym I go to).

    I hope all you ladies are doing splendidly!!! Good night!
  • My positive I got in a great work out I did 30 minutes of cardio and about 10 minutes of lifting weights so Yay for me. I also got hit on at the grocery store when I wasnt feeling so hot thats always a mood lifter
  • Hi everyone ... Learn where were you this morning??? I miss you!

    All is okay here in CJ-land. I've been trying to get my sh*t together to get on the road back to New York. I'm driving up there, but I have a bunch of paperwork-type stuff to do, and boy am I NOT getting it done!

    So ... my positive for today is ... for the rest of the day, I will concentrate on my paperwork. Arughgghghghgh!
  • Hello All!
    Don't fret CJ, I'm here. Actually I was here at 3:30 this morning. This morning I just didn't feel like opening the store. I wanted to see how long it took for someone to post first and look at the time. WOW!!!

    Fungirl- You are kicking butt on the weight loss girl. 22 pounds in 6 weeks, AWESOME!!!

    Maria- The Tater Tot Casserole sounds yummy. Recipe written down and will be trying very soon. Glad to hear your getting back in the swing of things and going to the gym.

    Ags- Ouch your aching knees. So sorry your hurting. Hope you were able to rest and get some relief last night.

    betty- 2.4 lbs. is a start on chisseling down that 8 lbs. you gained last week. I'm dealing with the same thing only I gained 12.5 lbs. Hope you enjoyed that massage!

    NYAGirl- Welcome, welcome, welcome to our positive thread. Glad you joined us and look forward to inspiring and motivating you and getting a little inspiration and motivation from you. You have come to the right place. Way to go on the exercise and your right a little flirting is always an upper!

    Well as for me, all is calm on the western front. I have stayed on plan plus all week and I can't wait to get on the scale on sunday. I am almost completely rid of the water retention around my ankles. I hit the pool early this morning after I dropped my son off at school. The water temp. was divine. I got a pot of low sodium vegetable soup started on the stove for dinner tonight and gonna couple it with a nice salad.

    That is it for me today and I'm gonna give another shout out to all those M.I.A.'s out there. How can I put this where you'll understand... "We miss you, get your butt's back here!!!"

    Guardrails Up!

    Later - Learn