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  • Do you believe in them?

    I have been watching a show for the past few months on the Travel channel. It's called "Ghost Adventurers". Three men go and investigate various places that are said to have hauntings & paranormal activity. They obtain background usually from the owner of the property on what types of things are going on. Then, they lock themselves in the place for an entire night in the dark.. using only night vision cameras & their other EVP, etc. equipment. Sometimes they find a lot going on, sometimes just a little.

    Last night they locked themselves in the Ram Inn in Great Britian. It is said to be possibly the most haunted place in GB. Lots of wierd things going on !! It was fascinating. Now, I am one of the first to absolutely try to debunk anything that is creepy that happens. But, a number of times with this show I have found myself not being able to explain it. So, unless they are completely staging everything that goes on, I am tending to believe there are spirits out there.

    So, I am curious. Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Any "ghost" encounters you would be willing to share? I just find it so very interesting right now.
  • well i for one do think they are there. i have had too many unexplained things happen to me and with in my family. the most recent happened to my mom just before x-mas looking for specific ornaments and once she found what she was looking for she put them on the side and never took any thing up stairs. when she went up stairs to here room she found one of her glass candy canes sitting on the foot of her bed and she knows she did not go upstairs until she was done looking for the ones she wanted.

    but if you like debunking try Ghost Hunters on the Sci Fi channel. they do a lot of debunking. they actually go into a place to try to disprove the haunting it is pretty good.
  • i think i believe in residual energy... but not necessarily manifested ghosts.
  • Interesting, mrsaugie! I have only one "encounter" that I might consider being something paranormal. It happened when I was a teenager. I was in bed getting ready to go to sleep and was falling asleep. All of a sudden I thought someone sat on my bed beside me. It was unmistakable, which is why that memory is stuck in my head. Someone definitely sat on my bed. I could feel the bed go down there, etc. It was not a family member, everyone was in bed asleep... and the hair on my arms was standing on end. I refused to open my eyes, because I was scared!!! When I finally did after maybe half a minute, which seemed like an eternity.. there was a little flat place in the covers as if someone had sat down.. but of course that could have been there before without anyone sitting there. So, to this day, I cannot explain that. It was eerie.

    painted lady - do you mean residual energy as in you just can't see 'em? Like things moving about when no one moved them.. or like "mists" and "orbs" that have been caught on camera with no real form? I consider mist and orbs to possibly be manifested since they are visible.. but I don't know if anyone else does. Or maybe residual energy as in you can feel a "presence"?
  • i think like feeling a presence... but also weird shapes and stuff. by "manifested," i meant that i don't think that ghosts are fully formed, human-shaped things. it'd be neat if they were!
  • BingoWings, i had the same expirience when I was in highschool. I too was going to bed but I was crying. Someone sat on my bed. No lie, something sat down next to me. I stopped crying immediately. I was probably 16, im 22 now. I thought it was my father (he died when i was 5) trying to comfort me. I believe there is "something" we cannot explain. I've had other feelings and heard many weird things in other homes and places. But who can explain?
  • I most certainly do believe in ghosts, and in fact had the experience of living in an apartment that was "haunted" for about a year.

    Playful ghost, used to tease us with harmless pranks such as moving things we had JUST put down, turning off lights we'd just turned on, and the funniest instance was on day I was home alone and turned off the tv in the living room, put down the remote and walked into my bedroom. Then the TV popped back on. I went out, shut it off again, and started to go back to the bedroom. On goes the tv again. This happened for 5-6 times, each time I'd put the remote down and start to walk back I wouldn't get quite as far. Finally I got the hint, laughed and said "Ok, that was funny. good job" and just "felt" like someone was smiling, then it stopped.

    Many such instances happened in that place, and about 6-7 different friends/family experienced these "occurances". Also we had many pets in that apartment, and there were times when you just knew he was around, because all the pets would just stop and start staring at the same place and follow the same motion. (funny to see 4 cats and 2 dogs just freeze what they were doing to look at "something")

    One night the front door just opened on it's own, and then shut. My roommate and I just stared at each other and said "he left", and nothing further happened after that, and the place just had a different "feel" to it after that. I spent a lot of time alone in that place, and only after that night did I ever really feel.. alone. I guess we bored him after a while and he moved onto a different apartment? (and I did always say my roomies voice was shrill enough to drive out the dead.. perhaps that wasn't an understatement )

    A friend of mine also had an experience with a less than playful visitor when he happened across an OLD wooden Ouija board (not the cheap Parker Bros. thing, an actual wooden hand carved one) and thought it would be cool to bring it home. For the week or so that board was in the house, objects would start appearing in strange places. (the ashtray would be on the coffee table when you'd leave the room, and come back to find it up on a high shelf, or teetering on the top of the television etc, my friend and her boyfriend started being plagued with nightmares, and a less than pleasant feeling began to encompass the house... we ended up destroying the board, and all went back to normal)

    I've had too many of such encounters to not believe they're here with us. And I know some people might think I"m crazy... but the friends and family that shared these experiences with me, know that I'm not.

    It's kind of funny that this thread popped up now. Just last week my cat (who I've had since that old apartment) just stopped in his tracks and started mewing at the bathroom, eyes bugged out of his head, the same as he used to act when that ghost was around, and the hairs stood up on my neck. My new roomies thought I was crazy.. but Midge and I know that a ghost just passed through.
  • I wouldn't say I "believe in" anything but I know paranormal phenomena takes place.
  • Since my husband and parents have both passed, I have wished many times for a "visit" from them but nada
  • Quote: Since my husband and parents have both passed, I have wished many times for a "visit" from them but nada
  • Quote:

    Hugs for me! Thank you so much
  • Quote: Since my husband and parents have both passed, I have wished many times for a "visit" from them but nada
    Check again dear....maybe they visited you in your memeory of a time together...a "smell" that reminded you of one....a favorite dish they made...a song...a TV show...a feeling in your

    Check again...I'll get back to ya
  • BOO!
  • Quote: Check again dear....maybe they visited you in your memeory of a time together...a "smell" that reminded you of one....a favorite dish they made...a song...a TV show...a feeling in your

    Check again...I'll get back to ya
    Well, you are right on that. I reckon I was thinking more along the lines of "seeing" them but thank you so much. I feel better now
  • Quote: BOO!

    Okay, I felt better until you scared the crap out of me