Survived a party!

  • Had a dinner party last night for my husband's boss and some other people.

    I kept my calories very low throughout the day so that I could eat a little more at night.

    Served dessert onto my plate but only took a couple bites of each... (it's easier for me not to eat when I'm in a social situation...)

    Was still down almost a pound this morning!!

    Right now, I have pastries, fruit tart, tortilla chips, almond cookies, etc... leftover but haven't touched them...

    The pastries are going in the trash, I'm taking the fruit tart to a friend's house...

    If this were the old me, I might have eaten like a bird last night, but I would have polished off most of the leftover sweets by now.

    Yay me!
  • Good job!
  • Great job sweetie.
  • YGG!
  • congrats on the lb and staying away from junk!
  • Great job!
  • You're right -- yay you! And WTG on having a quick plan for some of those leftovers. I learned the hard way the quicker the plan, the better!
  • You did extremely well and should be proud of yourself!
  • Great job !!!!

    I find it's easier to eat nothing than just a little bit. Social occasions can be very difficult to tackle, but it sounds as if you did wonderfully.
  • Way to go!!
  • Awesome! You deserve to feel VERY proud of yourself.
  • That's awesome! It is SO hard to stay away from those things...especially for me sweet baked goods.
  • Excellent! Congrats