Knee injury + pain=4lbs

  • Howdy, y'all!
    I've been MIA for a while. I posted about my sister coming in for vacation and eating out alot. I did pretty well, and my calories have been relatively stable. I've gone over 1500 a few times with a glass of wine while visiting or one night she and I split a dessert. I'm not going to beat myself up. HOWEVER, I injured my knee running on my treadmill. BLAST! It's the same knee that I blew out my senior year in high school, which resulted in losing a volleyball scholarship; the same knee that I injured skiing and had to have another ACL surgery....blah blah.
    My exercise has changed, I'm doing more yoga right now and trying anything low impact I can, but my scale is up 4lbs.
    Recommendations? Cut more calories? Relax and realize that my loss will slow down without as much cardio as I was doing? I need a virtual hug and some encouragement...
  • I'm so sorry! This isn't good news... have you seen your doctor? You don't want to risk ANY further injury to that knee. Perhaps running on the treadmill at your current size wasn't the best idea?

    I would say, see a doctor, particuarly a sports doc, and find out what is the best way to proceed to have your knee heal completely and without any further injury. You may need physical therapy for awhile.

    Ice! Rest! You know... Yoga might not be the best thing, btw, depending on the poses. Please be careful...

  • I'm a physical therapist.....and with your history of injury I'm sure you delt with many in my profession. What I would recommend as an easy fix to your exercise problem is to switch to using a bike. (Stationary or not) This takes down the amount of force applied to the joint to 40-60%. If you have any increase pain or difficulty of any kind stop and see your doctor. You also have two other options. If you were given a good home exercise program after your surgery, I would try that out again. (again stop if painful) Option 3 (or if you still continue to have problems) I would recommend another course of physical therapy. Go to an outpatient sports physical therapist. They will work on the knee itself and also look at how you walk/run.

    Speedy Recovery!
  • Jessica, the bike sounds wonderful and you're right-I have so many exercises that I did on both roads to recovery....thank you for reminding me! I"m just going to have to stay focused and remember that these pounds aren't going to come off as fast....
  • Hope your knee is better soon! I was going to suggest walking slowly on the treadmill, but I'm glad you got professional advice from Jessica. Take care!