
  • I'm not sure which section this post belongs in, but these last couple of days I have had a killer time trying to keep up enough energy to make it through my workout. I know part of it is my TOM, but I was wondering if taking my vitamins at night instead of the morning would give me some increased energy.

    When do you guys take your vitamins?
  • I always take my first thing when I wake up.
  • I take mine at night just before going to bed.
  • I take mine with breakfast.
  • If I take vitamins containing too much B in the late afternoon or evening, I do not sleep well at all.
  • At night, after dinner. I felt sick to the stomach every time I took them empty stomach.

    If you're feeling lack of energy, could it be possible that it is also due to the type of food you're eating before and after you work out? Did you change anything? I know TOM can suck out every bit of energy, I just finished mine.
  • When I take them I take them at night, I just can't seem to remember in the morning...

    Make sure you are eating unprocessed foods before and after your workout, oatmeal and eggwhites, apple and cottage cheese... Make sure you're drinking lots of water too, before, during and after your workouts.
  • i take mine at night before bed.
  • I take mine in the morning after I have eaten something. A pharmacist told me that one of the vitamins (B I think) can give you crazy dreams. Is that what happens to you ennay?
  • I take mine in the morning after breakfast (I too get sick when I take them on an empty stomach)
  • i take mine in the morning, i would forget if i were to take them at night