Hardest part of the day?

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  • Count me in with those who have trouble in the evenings. For me, the closer I get to bed time, the more will power dust I need . I have the most weight loss success when I am able to mostly avoid nighttime eating. My usual strategy is to get to the point where if I feel a bit hungry, I eat something non-sabotaging like a piece of fruit or mozzarella cheese, then I brush my teeth! Works pretty well methinks .
  • I thought about posting a thread about this. My worst time is only at work from after lunch until dinner. I want to snack so much during this time!

    I know it must be "boredom" because when I'm home on the weekends, I don't eat a lot and I certainly don't snack after lunch. I actually eat much less on the weekends and I have to make myself eat my daily points.
  • wow? am i the only person who would rather pig out in the morning and early afternoon? I easily eat 1000 cs between breakfast and lunch (I could definitley eat more if I let myself). When I do a plan skipping breakfast and lunch I am soooo not hungry for the rest of the day.

    breakfast is the meal most dangerous to me.
  • i do so terribly after dinner, its like i cant stop eating now that im home and relaxing! ive tried many things to combat this and apparently none of them work since yesterday i had my worst binge in many months...back on the horse though ready to try again, im gonna start going to the gym earlier in the evening i think that will make me less likely to eat too much, ill report back!! good luck resisting those night time cravings everyone
  • Lunchtime for me, or just after. I've never really been a late night snacker, but dessert after a midday meal?? Ohhh yea! Our company recently moved and share a parking lot with Wendy's. Oh the frosties.... it's such a disaster!
  • I'm yet another who struggles at night, especially a few hours before bed... I am winding down and just want that comfort of a full belly.
  • I'm so hungry right now, on my 3rd day of my new life... I would say, from 3-5:00pm and from 10:00pm to 12:00midnite.

    I'm eating a jello snack right now..
  • Me too!
    Oh boy can I relate, but to an even more extreme level.
    I've been suffering with insommnia for the last year and I have been binging big time at midnight and beyond :-(

    last night was really bad ... I fell asleep about 1 am only to wake up at 3am and walk like a zombie downstairs to our kitchen and eat a couple of handfulls of pistachios - ugh!
  • As mentioned before you should stop drinking coffee if it makes you want something to snack with it. Maybe replace it with a glass of water with some low calorie flavoring or decaffeinated tea. What I would do other than that is to not keep biscuits and that sort of thing in the house anyway. Instead of having sugary, fatty, high calorie snacks with a low nutritional value keep baggies full of freshly cut up fruits and veggies in the fridge. Also, after dinner take your dogs on a long walk. It'll make them happy and its good for you!

    The afternoons are really hard for me because they seem to be kinda long. My parents aren't very supportive when it comes to me losing weight. They may hint that I need to (or that the whole family does) and refuse to stop buying ice cream, Little Debbie Snacks, and fast food. It makes it harder sometimes... much will power is needed. I think if I lived on my own I would lose more weight.
  • I love to eat when I watch tv. And I have all my shows to watch in the evenings.

    What helps me is showering around 7pm (I shower at night) and then popping my pm sleeping pills at 8, and then I'm knocked out by 9:30pm! no chance to cheat or pig out! I need the extra sleep. If I don't use a sleeping aid, I'm awake until 1am, sucks.
  • OH yeah, and I drink over 75 oz of water each night, if that doesn't make you feel full, I don't know what does.
  • For me, it's just towards late afternoon, when I'm leaving the office to travel home. That's when I'm most tempted to get something crappy en route. Best solution I've found is to have a supply of roasted soya beans; they do the job.