Hello I'm new!

  • Hello from Minya in Arizona! I stumbled on this website by accident while looking for support and tips on my weight loss goals. I, like many have tried every diet out there and finally I am settling with good ole fashion diet and exercise.

    What happened to me in the past three years was rough regarding my weight. I got to my heaviest point of 275 and I wanted to kill myself. But, my fiancee held me together and I joined a curves gym, successfully losing about 20 pounds. Afterwards when money was tighter, I went to weight watchers to drop some more and found that it wasn't so bad. I lost around 30 pounds there. And both of these successes led up to my wedding, which my pictures were gorgeous no matter what.

    But now I'm currently trying to lose more, after the 4th of July, I noticed i regained 10 pounds and I freaked out O_O so that's when I decided that I needed to get more than 55 pounds off. So, I just started doing the 30 day shred everyone is talking about and a super strict diet and already dropped 10 pounds in six days!! XD

    Now I just the support of other people who are just like me! Trying to get to their goals.
  • Hi Minya and welcome to 3FC!

  • Thanks! And wow , look at your results!!! Amazing!!
  • You're very welcome
  • welcome sweetie. 10 lbs in 6 days woohoo! We're here to support you!
  • Hi Minya- I'm a newbie too. Congrats on your weight loss, and I hope the support here will help you towards your end goal.
  • Thanks you guys, I really am going to need the support now XD, I made the mistake of eating out at paradise bakery today and i'm nuts at the moment while keeping my journal and the menu seemed safe. But when I got home I couldn't find the calories of the unsweetened peach tree I drank O_O nor the calorie count for the tablespoon of chipotle dressing !! I have a bad feeling about it XD
  • minya, welcome! im fairly new myself. congrats on your weight loss so far, it's things like that that'll keep you motivated to keep going. we're all here for support! i started keeping a food journal too, although im a huge procrastinator so it's hard to remember what you ate for the past week =) im sure you'll do better than me with that!! but all in all, we're all here for a change/maintenance/positive reinforcement, and just to make friends who understand one another. you go girl! keep up the great work!
  • Hello, Welcome to 3FC. Congrats on your 50+ pounds lost. That is great!

    I sure hope your "super-strict" diet is something you can live with for a long time... There is a reason many are called "crash" diets. What kind of plan are you following?
  • Thanks Pnut butter! love the name btw!

    Lori Bell, here's an example of one day of food I've eaten: measured and calorie counted-

    Breakfast: cereal with soymilk - 240 calories

    Vitamins: 2 women's formula and 1 flax seed oil - 10 calories

    Lunch: 2 slices of whole wheat bread with hummus and grapes - 250 calories

    Snack: banana 110 calories
    1 serving of mixed veggies 25 calories
    hummus - 50 calories

    Dinner: veggie patty 100 calories
    wheat bread (2 pieces) - 100 calories
    bbq sauce (open pt) - 45 calories

    Dessert : sliced banana 110 calories
    2 sliced strawberries 17 -ish calories
    one tablespoon of semi sweet choc chips - 70 calories

    I had left over calories plus extras from my workout

    so I ate a small bowl of cereal 120 cals and soymilk at 120 cals.

    This day put me just under 1400 calories and I seemed to have eaten alot. XD Sometimes I go over my allowed calories because I'll eat bagels still and go to subway, i get the veggie sub with oil and vinegar, thats about 505 calories for a footlong and I split it up for two meals. Plus my love for choc chip cookies gets the better of me, like the one I had yesterday, it had 300 cals in it O_O it was a good thing i only ate half of it. I went over budget by a few calories. So eating out is still my weakness, but if I can keep within my 1400 calorie budget, or close to it i can still eat out.