I feel stuck....

  • Hi All,

    I have schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and have been on anti-psychotic meds and antidepressants since age 18. Needless to say, they have caused much weight gain. I fought for many years off and on, thinking I could go without my meds because I knew they were contributing to my weight gain and after nearly ending up in the hospital I realized it was not worth it. I'm 35now and am on Topamax, Wellbutrin, Risperdal, and Zoloft and never really have the energy to do much. How do you all deal with the side effects of weight gain from these meds without stopping them? I've tried many other combinations of meds and I'm tired of this. I cannot take any sort of herbal supplement because it doesn't mix with my medication. I know it's the medicine doing it because I stopped it at one point and lost 40 pounds. I just feel like there's no hope anymore. I thought maybe about trying Sensa but I don't know. Does anyone else go through this? Thanks.
  • Jeeze, sorry for what you are dealing with.Unfortunately medications to manage any mental illness often have undesireable side effects such as weight gain.I would just encourage you to discuss this with your psychiatrist.I understand this is very frustrating to you but the medications are necessary to manage you mental illness.Of course healthy eating and exercise also have proven to improve depression symptoms also.Take care.Hang in there.
  • Hi Neilio

    There is always hope please promise you'll see your doctor before trying anything else... Maybe get a 2nd opinion about the meds you are currently on from another MD. Do you like your current doctor?

  • Thanks for your input. I've talked with my doctor about it but sometimes it's like they don't think of this sort of thing as a serious issue. I've been switched around on a lot of different medications over the years...Paxil, Prozac, Luvox, Nortriptyline, Zyprexa, Effexor, Trazodone, Depakote, Ativan, Xanax, Celexa, Adderall, etc. I'm pretty sure it's the anti-psychotics that contribute the most to weight gain. I just ballooned out at age 24 when I started Zyprexa and it's been up the scale since then. I keep trying to deny the fact that I have mental issues and have to take these medications even after all of these years. I keep searching for some quick fix, too, even though I know there isn't one. I keep living in denial land. It didn't help matters much, either, that I was close to someone for a long period of time who constantly put a great deal of pressure on me to lose weight. It just broke me down and I try to put it behind me but I still remember it, you know?

    I've never eaten right because I do not like to cook and I'm hoping soon I can afford Jenny Craig. My dad passed away in March and my mom and I both are thinking of doing it soon. I'm just trying to keep marching forward the best way I know how but this stuff is hard.
  • It sure is hard. You don't have to do this alone, cause we're all here.

    Like Ms Harrismm said, the FIRST priority you have is to be completely clear of mind, and this is where your meds are VITAL. What good is it to be thin and in the hospital all the time?

    I think that you might be able to do this without Jenny Craig, you know. You MIGHT have to learn to cook, though. But that can be way later. You MIGHT want to just see how many calories JC has and look at Lean Cuisines and WW meals and other low-cal meals, too, that you can get at the grocery store. If you can just match the calories, it might be one way to start. And cheaper, too. And you could start tomorrow, just by going online and doing the JC research.

    You can get through this. Hang in there...

  • Thank you all......it helps me so much just to communicate with others and not feel so alone. I will dig into what you mentioned about the meals, Kira......thank you.
  • You most certainly are not alone We are here for you.

    I was wondering if you considered going to therapy or a support group (if they have any in your area) it might help to talk to people face:face who may be in similar shoes....

    I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, I know how that hurts

    I think thats so cool you and your mom are going into this weight loss journey together, its always fun to have a buddy. Don't forget your veggies

  • to you!
    It's gonna work out. Just stay on the meds and keep clear. Then do the best that you can do. That's all that ANY of us do...

    Please keep posting to let us know how we can help...

  • Have you ever been on Abilify? For me, it has worked better than Risperdal for the schizo stuff and the weight gain is not a side effect from what I understand. I am on that, Lexapro and Klonopin. When I suceed at sticking to my diet I can lose weight.
    Please don't go off your meds for any reason without talking to your doc. Risperdal may be the right match for you. Exercise and diet will go a long way to make you more fit and healthy. Even thought I still have a long way to go weightwise, I am already feeling 100% better just from getting some activity in and cutting junk out of my diet.

    Good luck!
  • Ask your doctor about getting off Risperdal and trying Geodon--that AP is supposed to not have the weight gain other AP's have
  • Thanks you guys! I will talk to my doctor about the Geodon or Abilify. I've been thinking about the support group thing as well, too. You guys are so sweet. I got your PM, Kira, but I can't reply because I don't have enough posts yet. Thanks for sending it!