Steel Magnolias #36

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  • Good morning gals! Boy am I sore this morning. I guess others might say it is a good sore, but frankly at my age, no sore is a good sore! I did an hour in the pool yesterday.

    Well my grandson and his parents should be in China sometime this morning I believe. I am so nervous about them being there with the earthquake in one place and riots in another, and that doesn't even count the number of planes that have crashed recently. Gives an ole grandma the shivers. They are part of a tour group so I am sure they will be fine, but I am just a worry wart. I feel so bad for their dog, he has been "crying" on and off and I think he misses Thomas. I put him in my lap and sat and petted him and talked to him last night hoping it would make him feel better. Made me cry for him to be upset. It is like a toddler being left with grandma and wanting his mama.

    Jean: I don't know how great a mil I am. I am having a devil of a time with a lace cloche I want to make her to go with the scarf. I have put it on the needles 4 times and everytime I have made a mistake in the first four rows. I keep having to tear it out. I am determined to make this I will give it another go today. I am over halfway done with the scarf and I should finish it up by the end of the week, hopefully. If I can get the hat going, it won't take me long. It isn't a complicated pattern.

    Susan: I too am pretty shaggy and need a haircut. I am going to have to go next week and get one I think. I noticed we only have one more space to fill up on our haircut card then we get a freebie so I imagine Jack and I will get haircuts next weekend if possible. My hair has just enough natural curl to give it great body, but it also tends to make my neckline curl the minute it gets a bit long and my sideburns seem to do a pincurl like look once they start to grow out. I will also have to color my hair again.

    Three days to the Harry Potter movie. I am really lookng forward to going even if it is at 11:15 at night! We hope to miss some of the kids at that time, but last time we went to the late show and there were a bazillion kids so who knows? I did get nervous because my bank reissued our bank cards because of a concern that some merchant had been hacked into. Well, I cut up my old one as the new one came day before yesterday but forgot I needed it to access the kiosk to get the the tickets I preordered for the movie! I always print confirmation sheets and I had two copies of this one and it said you can take it to the service desk and get the tickets so I plan on going first thing when they open on Friday and picking up our tickets. We stood in line for over an hour last time. We were pretty much first in line and they are showing it on 4 screens, but it will be the same nuttiness I am sure. I always let Jack rush ahead and get seats then I keep them while he gets drinks or whatever. At that time of night I am not sure we will be snacking that's for sure.

    Well, the shower just kicked off so hubby should be down soon. Have a great hump day. I am going to sit and knit.
  • Good morning, ladies! A lovely day today but a little too warm already.

    I had a good time at Quilt Guild last night. One of my friends moved to Houston and she was there. She came home to visit family. We're having dinner tonight and she is going to quilting bee with me.

    Faye, I will be seeing Harry Potter tonight. Show starts at 9:10 so it works out with my bee. I can't wait! At least I won't be needing anything to eat at that time of night. It's 2:33 long so I'll be home by midnight. Short nights sleep but well worth it. More people are killed on the highways than in the air so don't worry about the planes, worry when they get in the car. I hope Kelly is feeling better by now. I'll bet Thomas can hardly contain himself. He'll surely have a lot to tell you when he gets home.

    Well, time for work, break is over. Have a good day, all.
  • Good Morning, Flowers! The sun is shining and it a cool 70 degrees with a stiff breeze this morning. Kolby had his tonsils out this morning and Beth just called to say all went well and they were on their way home again. I've been to the grocery store and have another load of laundry going.

    Susan -- It's nice that you can spend some extra time with your Texas friend! There is definitely a different feel to the atmosphere when the boss is gone. At least there was at school, and the kids seemed to always know when they were not in the building. Enjoy your quilting bee tonight.

    "Gma" -- Did Marty get upset when he stayed with you the last time? Maybe he senses that you are a bit nervous about where they are and is picking up on that. Harry Potter is on here too. I noticed the marquee this morning. We went to see the Proposal which is just a light hearted movie. There was a preview with John Travolta but I didn't see the name of the movie. I do like him and it looked like it is a comedy. I'm sure you will get your hat to turn out just right!

    I have another pile of farm laundry waiting; Bob is getting a tractor ready for a tractor ride and the farm dirt covers the front of his jeans and shirts. I think he is worse than a kid when he is working on tractors -- oblivious!

    I hope everyone has a great day today! Remember to

    Jean -- from Iowa!
  • Good morning everybody! I had to get up because the power went out and just as I inched into the hall bathroom to get the candle lighter under the sink, the power came back on. I said to heck with it as I have been up twice putting the dumb dog back on the bed so I just came downstairs.

    Susan: Can't wait to hear your "Potter" report. I am going tomorrow morning and get our tickets for tomorrow night. How nice you got to visit with a friend. One of my friends from the law firm told me that when I visit next time and have the time, if I let her know in advance she will get a group of the ladies I worked with together to have lunch or dinner. I would love that and can't do it until next April when Jack goes to the annual Cubs game with Jay so I should be down quite a bit of lbs so it will be a big surprise for them.

    Jean: Did you get that whiz bang storm we got last night or was it too farth south to hit you? Now, how old is Kolby again? I want to say around 4 or so, but I may be mixing him up with one of the younger ones. Poor little guy. My Jay had to go through that and get tubes put in too. It sure worked a miracle for him even though the tubes stayed in less than 6 weeks. I don't remember Marty crying like he has this time, but I try to give him as much attention as possible and we always pat him and talk to him when he starts it. He is usually asleep when he does it, but he has bad cataracts and sometimes I think he sleeps with his eyes open.

    Well Thomas and parents got to China a-ok. I got an email from her around midnight night last night but the night before. She said they had gotten checked into the hotel, had a late supper and were going to bed. I imagine the time stuff will mess them up pretty much. Poor Tom has to come home and go right back to work as Thomas said he is using every bit of his vacation time he has left.

    I got the hat on the needles finally and have about 1/3 of it done. It is really cute. I have the scarf finished and decided not to put the fringe on as I don't think she would care for it.

    Well gals, I am going to try and nap in the chair until Jack gets up in an hour and a half.

    Have a wonderful Thursday!
  • Good morning, ladies! I think we might be getting Faye's storm. It sure has gotten dark outside.

    Faye, I loved the movie. You read the book so I won't go into detail because I don't want to spoil it for you. I'm thinking of going again over the weekend. I get the senior price of $6.50 so it's not a bad deal if you don't get popcorn and a drink. I'm glad everyone is safely arrived in China. Now the fun will begin for Thomas. It'll surely give him a look at a very different life. Poor Marty! It has to be extra hard when you can't see and go to a different place and your family leaves you.

    Jean, I imagine Kolby is happily sucking on popscicles and will bounce back quickly. I had my tonsils out when I was 12 and again when I was 22. It was a lot harder the second time. They didn't get them all the first time and they grew back.

    Hi, Maggie!

    Have a great day.
  • I just found out there is a one hour special on tonight on ABC TV beginning at 8 about J. K. Rawlings who wrote the Harry Potter books. They followed her around for a year right before the publication of the last book and it goes into her life as a school janitor, etc.

    'J.K. Rowling: A Year in the Life'

    Cameras follow the author in the months prior to publication of the final book in the Harry Potter series, including scenes from her hometown, the church where she once worked as a janitor and her life as an everyday mother.