dreaded denim

  • I went for a wedding dress fitting with my sister a bit less than four weeks ago, and I remember almost crying because I had nothing to wear. My jeans didn't fit! I felt fat and frumpy the whole time, while she was looking gorgeous and petite trying on all these beautiful dresses. rrrrrr.

    Well today we're going back to the same boutique so that she can finally make a decision on a dress, and I'm wearing my jeans!!!

    They are not even snug. I can't believe I've changed so much in a month. WOOT! This feels more like a milestone than a mini goal.

  • Hooray! That is fantastic when you notice your hard work is paying off. Congrats
  • Yippee! I'm so happy for you!!!!
  • I love the feel of easily slipping into a pair of jeans!!!
  • Major congrats!!!
  • Sweet! Your doing a great job! Keep rockin' your plan!
  • Yeah!!!