Beck Diet For Life/Solution – July 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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  • Good Evening,

    Food tracking--yay! Zumba and 9000+ steps, yay! Read more of Beck's second book--credit. I did eat sitting down, now that I think about it. Eating mindfully, not so much.

    Resisting making my response cards. I may do this at glacial pace, but if I keep going forward that would be good.

    Twilit Tera--Glad you found a configuration with the loveseat that is more comfortable.

    Tammay--Welcome! I just joined a few weeks ago. I read Beck a couple years ago, and did some of the skills and drifted away, but this time it's sticking better. That's very cool you are planning to move to a city you love. Glad to have you join us.
  • I am thinking about joining the Beck Solution group.
    Question about which book to get.
    Can you tell me the difference between them?
    I do have my general diet plan, just need some help getting started and to keep going.
    Also I have been reading about cards. do I make my own?
  • Welcome, Tammay and Me, Too
    You will of course get a better welcome once BillBE gets his $@#^@&%#@$ missed self back here. It sounded like such a long time that he would be gone, but of course since it is summer, it has FLOWN by. I just can't believe it.

    Happy 4th of July to all.

    Tammay, I can relate to almost all of your social situation except the desire to move to the city. That would be my # 1 most unwanted thing to do. I am so fortunate to be in the minority of those who would never want to live in one; am so glad most people do. I am just weird. Never did "get" Michael Jackson's appeal, either. Sorry he has passed, but never found the talent or entertainment that others did.

    Seem to be able to relate to all the "diet", losing weight issues, though. That is why Beck is the tool for me (book #1, Me, Too, though I think most on here are using #2, or have both). It is simply that, a tool for behavior that leads to a different mindset about food.

    At the annual lake assn. meeting last week, there were brats and Sloppy Joes, neither of which appeal to me, so had a bit of the sides. The sweet pushers came table to table at least 3 times. I was sitting next to a WW facilitator whom I know and love very much. Neither of us where interested and declined all treats, but then we started talking about how the **** we all got so fat in the first place. She never had to lose as much as I did, but is very short, so struggled with those 30#s; it was a lot for her. Our conclusion was, to get really fat..and I topped out at 220#s at 5 feet 7 and a half inches, you have to be mindless, heedless, ALL OF THE TIME. You just have to have blinders on all the time to be consuming enough food and calories to maintain a weight that much over the top. And since I was that heavy, I was also very averse to anything remotely akin exercise. The good news:

    Beck tools, any tools, any time you avoid mindless eating, eat a little less, move a little more, any time..any time helps. And remember how much you are strengthening your resistance muscle.

    Thanks to all of you for your supporting thoughts, and you SO have me pegged. Yes, the loons are my joy, gardening is the best therapy in the world (wish health insurance would pay for my plant habit; it would be cheaper than a shrink!) and I am reconnecting with cherished friends I should not have lost track of in the first place. Sad or not, I am back to that place of being slightly hungry most of the time and just eating a little bit every few hours, and that *is what works for me.

    Let's hold onto summer.
  • Saturday & checking in
    Good Morning Coaches

    It's cold out there today. Definitely NOT July weather which should be more like this Oh well. It's still Saturday. And a Happy 4th of July to all my American coaches!

    Have fun today!

    My food is getting better but it's still not great but it's better.
    Yesterday was DH's birthday and he didn't want to do anything so I made him a nice dinner and a dessert. By last night I was feeling kind of yucky so I went to bed early and slept late.

    I'm freaking out a bit over the next two weeks ahead of me. This is a reg week so I can get stuff outside of working in the ceramic room done but the next week I am working all week as a children's technician at the art school on the other side of town plus having DH's sister and husband over during the week as we all go out to a concert and then I still have to get my ceramic work done at the school downtown and we go out the night before my big art in the park event which means I am up super early the day of the show marking out 10x10 spots in the park where the show will be. So what this really means is I have A LOT to accomplish this week. And when pressured like this I just stop. I can hardly get going this morning. Pretty much after the art in the park show on the 18th I can go back to my regular normal schedule and then the first week of August I spend a month of full time+ weeks as a children's technician and a ceramic technician at the school so I am superbusy... but I'll come out of it with some money and this is the point.

    Oh well. It's all good but I am tired all ready and when tired I eat very poorly. It's a major trigger like I have "earned" eating whatever and this body needs good food not crap food. So I have a major challenge ahead of me.

    Beck tools, any tools, any time you avoid mindless eating, eat a little less, move a little more, any time..any time helps. And remember how much you are strengthening your resistance muscle.
    This is where I am at maryblu. I am far from perfect but I am 60% OP. I was, oh 2% OP? My desire to be OP is growing as well and it all starts there. Glad you're enjoying the summer

    Me Too to the group.
    I am thinking about joining the Beck Solution group. Question about which book to get.
    Can you tell me the difference between them?
    I do have my general diet plan, just need some help getting started and to keep going. Also I have been reading about cards. do I make my own?
    It seems the major difference is that in the newer book she gives you a foodplan to follow (if you want to). I only have the workbook so I can't give you that much info others here can and I am sure will. Although it also seems there are additional exercises inthe new book vs. the old one but that's what I am getting from following this book. As for the cards yes you definitely make your own to suit you and your own challenges and your own life and motivations.

    Nuxmaga Kudos for all the steps and Zumba and eating sitting down and reading. That's all good work. I'm completely resistant about the cards right now but so long as I tackle it at a glacial pace it will get done for me and you. Thanks for posting.

    I am, unfortunately, quite isolated at this time
    I just wanted to let you know you're not alone. We are out here and glad you found us! And yeah, all the effort is worth it... keep doing waht you can day after day and eventually things will change.

    twilit tera Sorry to keep reading of your rising pain levels. I hope your mom is doing okay. Congrats for getting your Beck book back

    RobinW Good follow-through with your DD over the food choices at the grocery store. It seems your own support system just got a bit stronger eh? That's great.

    ChinaMaine Kudos for the pushup victory! you're stronger and that's great! Also extended kudos for the weight loss and the feeling great. Nice.
  • Happy 4th of July!

    I'm doing well. I just got back from my bike ride. I'm up to 45 minutes. When I hit an hour, I will start working on distance. I'm finally down on the scale again. It had been going up and down the same pound for about 11 days. I've finally made my second 5 lb goal. I'm actually down 11 lbs. Credit me! I'm happy I didn't let the scale get the best of me and kick me off plan. Yesterday, I heard myself say, in my head, "I don't care." I immediately said, "Yes I do, now move on." The 'I don't care' line has always been my excuse to go off plan. I think, I'm beating that monster. I do love the Beck plan. With it, I am changing my life.

    I'm going to spend a nice afternoon with my folks for the 4th. We have a nice dinner planned. Saturday is my higher calorie day, so it works out well. I've got to do some calorie planning before we eat to stay within my limits.

    I've been 100% on plan which I'm happy about. I'm also going tomorrow to buy a couple of new work pants. The ones I have are getting way too big. Now that's always exciting.

    Until later,

  • I ordered the first book on Amazon, so I will be joining all of you when I get the book. In the mean time I will be looking online for all the info I can find.
  • 14,000+ steps Tracking food 90% of my eating was slower Does anyone else feel anxious when they first tried slowing down eating? I get some thoughts that Beck would call "sabotaging" like "If I eat too slowly, I'll get full before the food is gone, and then I will be deprived and feel bad." Or, "What if I don't enjoy this food if I go slowly?"

    A challenging encounter with an item in the freezer that I'd managed to forget about until I cleaned it out today, and I ate it, standing up, and quickly. I was doing the "I don't care, I'm just going eat this, or I'll keep thinking of it, and be totally distracted."

    Greenville Beth--that is so cool that you countered the "I don't care" thought, and moved on. What a useful skill!!! Kudos for riding your bike!

    OnebyOne--Glad to hear that we'll get there, glacial pace and all. . .60% on plan sounds pretty fabulous! When I get stressed, in the past I would stop completely, just like you mentioned. I had a fundamental sense of being flawed, and no real satisfaction from getting stuff done, because if it wasn't "perfect" then I was worthless. It sounds like you are to something with identifying that thought about "earning the right to eat whatever"--I would say that you have the right to take care of yourself, and be good to your body, and to your spirit.

    MaryBlu--I'm glad you are gardening and reconnecting with friends. I've been thinking a lot about mindless eating this week--tracking my calories has been quite a revelation as to how little things can really make a difference in the total, and the phrase "watching what I eat" has taken on a whole new resonance.

    Me Too--Welcome! I read the first book, and now just started the 2nd. She covers the same principles in the 2nd one, but gives more practical advice. It's helpful, but the 1st book has all the essentials--I'm glad you ordered it!
  • Four hours on the bike today. I'm wiped!

  • Good Morning

    Things are going great over here in Buffalo! Im down the 6lbs I was up. My daughter is getting the hang of eating 3 meals a day with no snacks. She and I are loving her new level moods!!!! Can I confess that she had turned into a some evil little biatch that swung from extreme highs to extreme lows several times a day?

    Even she admits she likes the way she feels sooooooo much better. Thank goodness!

    Im going to restart the beck workbook in a couple days, so that both her and I can work on it together. I think the response cards will be a huge help for her. for me, Im feeling better and looking better. I'm going to get back to the gym next week. :lift: I have a chiro appt tomorrow morning, and I think I'll do another massage next week sometime too.

    Things are coming together nicely, and everyone is feeling great! The shop is busy, and Buffalo seems to be this weird little entity that isnt being very badly effected by the economy. Things are actually starting to buzz again. Even the Ford plant is keeping it together.

    Have a great sunday everyone!
  • hello, all! This afternoon we get to go home. It should be a nice, relatively quiet week.

    Greetings to our new people! Hope you had a happy 4th to those who are in the US!

    Food's been terrible. Pain high. about all i can say for myself is that i haven't let physical therapy go completely to the wayside.

    more later
  • Weighed myself and was down a pound--yay! Went to a ballgame, and got 17,000+ steps. Tracked food. Ate mindfully. But ate a lot! Eating out really sends the numbers soaring right now. Read more of Beck's 2nd book.

    Twilit Tera. Credit for doing physical therapy! Any success is a good thing--being stressed and having eating and pain go awry means every incremental step in the right direction is even more a victory.
  • Hello, All.

    It's been a pretty good day. I thought it was going to rain, so I didn't ride my bike. Excuses, excuses. Credit, I suppose for owning that.

    I did go shoping. I tried on a bunch of pants and bought two pairs. I didn't want to get too many considering they will be too big, hopefully, in a couple of months. The exciting thing was I was trying on 18W's and they fit, which means I've gone down two sizes. I just wasn't happy with any of them, so I went to another store. They didn't have any 18W's but did have a couple of normal 18's. I figured, I wouldn't even be able to get then on, but I did and they fit. Woo hoo. So, I bought them.

    Smaller sizes are always exciting.

    Margaret - Looks like you had a good day. Yeah on the pound down.

    Tera - I hope you have a relaxing week and your pain decreases. I hope your mother is doing well.

    Robin - I think it's great that you're working on this with your daughter. My mother has seen the change in me and is now working through the Beck steps.

    Anne - You're a bike riding machine. Give me a few months...or six...or eight...and I'll catch up to you!

    Me To - Welcome. I'm sure you will love the Beck book. I have the first one and it has really made a difference for me.
  • Good Afternoon!


    Things are going pretty good. Snuck some unplanned chocolate in last night. Seems to be corolating with a few other things. Stress etc. But I didnt let it get any further than that.

    The plan this week is to go bike shopping! Dd doesnt like to walk, but I can entice her to bike for miles. What ever works right?! For both of us! Because she hasnt wanted to walk, I havent either....not good.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • Monday check in
    Good Afternoon Coaches

    Credit to me for checking out the weight room and the pool in our building complex one more time. Seems the weight room is much improved over the last time I saw it;I think that's been a few years now. It's moved to a room 3x the size and it's spacious and it looks underused! yay. All good signs to me. Membership to the weightroom is $70 for 6 months. This is extremely reasonable, and the pool is free for tenants. I just have to find my lease to prove residency and I am good to go. I'm going to look for it when I finish this email. Credit moi for following through on this and then walking home the long way to get some exercise in. I'm ready to get serious about weightloss now. I am ready to move my body and burn the calories and build the muscle. I am just ready. I have the book the New Rules of Lifting for Women and I am anxious to try it out. I think I need to check in with my Dr. before I start though...still having weird muscle stuff in my thighs. I guess I really do have to go get it checked out. *deep breath*

    So that's how I am. Everything is happening that's supposed to be happening. I did wake up a complete basketcase at 4:30am, and I did sob a little at feeling overwhelmed, but hey, that's 4:30am. Lots of changes afoot.

    Greenville Beth Kudos for doing the work to be two sizes down! Awesome. And for all your bike riding and being on plan... keep it up!

    Me Too You're going to love the book. Very eye opening and very helpful... glad you'll be joining us

    Nuxmaga Credit for identifying sabotaging thoughts and for eating slower inspite of them. It always surprises me when these thoughts show themselves. And yes, I am trying to counter the negative thoughts when trying to be healthy and talking myself out of it with the idea that I am happier if I am healthier. I sure know my physical self feels better when lighter...even 10lbs is a big difference at this high weight I am carrying right now. Kudos for being down a pound!

    wndranne 4 hours? Wow. You must have some kind of good bike seat! Mucho kudos for your ride.

    RobinW I may look into that massage thing too. I have never had one and I know until lately you didn't either. I just found my workbook too. Maybe I'll restart when you guys do too and really do it all again.
    Kudos for things going well!

    twilit tera Kudos for getting through this last bit and not throwing everything by the wayside. Credit for continuing to post here as well. I hope you're home and enjoying your chair again.

    billblueyes, maryblu, tammay, China Maine
  • Hi everyone. Some of you may remember me from quite a while ago. Anyhow, I am here to renew my weight loss efforts and to enlist your support in following the Beck Diet Solution plan day-by-day once again.
    Today is Day 6 and so I am here to share support and encouragement with you, the best diet coach team on the internet!

    This time I am doing things just as the Dr. ordered and not starting my diet until Day 15. I think it is already making a big difference to focus on the Beck habits without also worrying about readjusting to the WW points system.

    Looking forward to meeting all the newbies and reacquainting myself with the team veterans!
