Next time I get the munchies I will...

  • I am a person who eats when she's bored, so I want to come up with a list of things to do when I get the munchies. I thought I'd come hear for help!

    Next time I get the munchies I will....

    eat carrots or celery sticks instead of crackers or whatever off-plan food I'm craving

    chew a piece of gum

    brush my teeth and put my retainers in (that way I CAN'T eat)

    write in my blog


    go to the gym

    call a friend

    visit this website!

    Any other ideas?
  • polish your fingernails so you can't grab food to eat, or you'll ruin your manicure! If the hunger is still there, paint your toes too, till the craving passes.
  • I chew gum.
  • play with a pet, start a conversation
  • drink some water
    refill my water glass
    make some tea
  • oooh good idea
    I get the munchies like ...A LOT
    lol I should come up with a list of things to do as a substitute.
    Your stuff is really good so far.

    Here's some

    1) read a book
    2) write something
    3) talk to myself. (I have conversations in the mirror with myself, telling inner me will I really be happy after a binge? and don't I want my future to rock?)
    4) get the laptop OUT of the kitchen. Yeah, that could help a lot. lol
    5) go sit outside on the front steps, enjoy the sky OR take a walk, same deal sort of

    it's all I got right now. I'm really going to listen to this list! if I could make this list, I sure as **** could stick to it and take a detour from food.
  • Very timely... considering I had a mini binge on Doritos with sour cream today. I somehow justified it by it being fat free sour cream.

    So... I think the next time I'll think about how bad I felt after eating the Doritos.