I have such guilt!

  • I was doing so well with my diet & excersizing. Then this weekend I just totally lost control and binged on homemade lasagna and cheesecake! I'm back on again today but I just can't shake the guilt from my backslide this weekend. It's normal right? Everybody's loses focus once in a while?
  • I am felling guilty as well... this past weekend I was really bad... I went of plan from Friday to Sunday... And that was after I met my mini goal on Thursday... I was so happy....
    Oh well, let’s get back in track. What else can we do??? Go back to the old us?? No way!!!
    Let’s keep going and feel proud of us again tomorrow...
  • You're not off track. You ate a bit too much, so what? When I do that I like to make up for it the next day. I hate feeling guilty. Don't placate your inner child by giving it more food today. Make it up to her by nourishing her the next day with motivational thoughts, exercise, and lots of veggies and fruits!

    Someone here (I can't remember who) has a great quote on their signature. It says "Falling down is not failure. Staying down is failure." So get up, keep going, and you'll love yourself even more for getting back up than you would if you hadn't fallen at all.