New chick on the block

  • Hi everyone, feel so blessed to have found this site....... I've struggled with weight all my life. I have been on every diet, tried meds etc, but always managed to gain it all back..Last year my daughter was diagnose with ASD and that sent my emotional eating into overdrive...I gained 75lbs in 10 months. I hope to get the strength to get healthy and lose weight in the process. I thank you all for being so open and supportive.... I fell like I've found a home....
  • You are sure to like it here, there is tons of support to be found! I am glad you found us as well. Good luck on your weight loss journey, looks like you have already made some progress, especially by finding this forum! Yay!

    Look forward to seeing you around, check our the sub forums based on age, pounds to lose, interests, diet plan and even one called Chicks Up For A Challange, they keep each other really motivated and set goals to reach by certain times.

  • Welcome HollyA, due to this site and the people here, I have been successful with my diet and exercise. You'll sure get your support and motivation here. Cheers to being healthy!
  • I'm new here too and also excited!

    Good luck and let's lose together!!!
  • Welcome! I am a newbie too. I also have a child with a disability/disease. I also have gained weight (30 lbs) since the diagnosis. I am hopeful that we have found some true support here. We can get through this!
  • Thanks for the support!!!