Bumble Bee Spicy Thai Chili Sensations

  • Tonight I had this for dinner, straight out of the can. Very yummy and surprisingly spicy. I love hot spicy food, and I often find that foods that are labeled spicy, often aren't. I remember when Dairy Queen had a spicy sandwhich they were advertising a few years ago, I thought it so did not live up to the hype (in the commercials, they showed the napkins bursting into flames - so I was expecting some actual heat in the sandwhich, and the pepper jack cheese and spicy mayo barely registered on my tastebuds as any "heat" at all). There wasn't even a lasting tingle.

    So, I looked online, and found this review.


    I don't know where the reviewer got the math, though because the 5 ounce can reads 160 calories for 3 ounces and reads that the can contains "about 2" servings. I hate when this fractional math is used, but did the math longhand and come up with 267 calories.

    As I was eating it, I thought "this would be good on pasta, or in a stiry fry with pasta." In browsing online, ironically I found this recipe:


    I'm going to have to try this, or my own spinoff (I think some bean sprouts and green onion would be a nice addition).
  • You can get these in "snack" packs, which include crackers. This is one of my favorite grab-and-go mini meals when I'm in a pinch. I get them on road trips or before I had my lunch provided for me at work and I couldn't figure out what I wanted I would grab these as my lunch protein (but I was usually breaking it out before lunch). I think they're absolutely delicious. I never thought to use just the tuna in recipes! Thanks for the idea, Colleen!