Fabulous 40's #39

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  • Thanks for the congrats! We are all doing it! YEAH!!!!! I know how the water thing goes. Weekends are hard for me too. I am always running and the weekly habits are harder to fit in.

    How are y'all doing today?
    Well the Super Bowls are big here and here is what I am making. Instead of pizza takeout we are making our own with a pizza maker we got for Christmas. There will be one reg. one and one low fat one. I love the fact I can control what kind of things are on mine and then I'm making a low fat version of the 7 layer taco dip with which we will dip WoW doritoes instead. I used to make the fattening version for whatever party we went to. Everyone loved that. I will leave off the olives and use low fat cheese and ff sour cream and and just a very small amt. of guacamole dip. I ate one breakfast cookie earlier and will not eat anything til' Super Bowl.
    I know I will have a lot of sodium to contend with but I have my banked points and I don't weigh til' Sat.
    Enjoy the game, music or commercials. I will enjoy all. I am for the Giants and Bruce and Brandon are for the Ravens. Brittany is for the cute guys. Whichever team has the cutest quarterback that is who she is for. LOL

    Have a wonderful SUNDAY no matter what you are doing
  • Ok, SuperBowl Sunday isn't a big deal to me but for some reason, today, I have been hungry ALL DAY. I had a bagel this morning for 5 pts and light cream cheese for another 2. I don't usually have 7 points so early in the day but I just did it. Don't know why. I made this eclair dessert recipe I got from WW ~ does anyone get these recipes from WW?? ~ So when I got home this afternoon, I decided to have a 4-pt piece. I had eaten half when my cat decided to jump up on the computer, desk first, and knock it on the floor. I could have gotten another piece but I didn't. I'm going to go inside and start prepping for dinner, some chicken recipe, also from my WW meetings. I did happen to "bank" a few points this week so if I do give in, maybe I'll still be ok....

    Hope everyone else is having an easier time of it. Have a great Sunday afternoon.

    Zoe ~ soaking up the "SON" in Texas
  • Terri, you did a good job of planning your SuperBowl munchies. We did a table full of party appetizers for dinner, about half were low in points, half weren't. I did pretty good, stuck w/the veggie tray for the most part. I love the WOW doritos...prefer them over the regular type now, those seem too greasy.

    Zoe, one of the tricks I've been using is if I feel really hungry, and it's not meal time, I drink a huge glass of water. Usually the hunger goes away. If not, then I have a yogurt, or something crunchy, like an apple. I tried to do that all last week, and had a good loss.

    I wanted to respond to everyone's posts, just suffice it to say that I'm thinking of all of you, and am with you all the way. We've got to keep the momentum going, so we'll be ready for the spring and summer....shorts and bathing suits, remember?

    I hope everyone has a good week. Let's all remember to journal, we know how beneficial it is.


    [This message has been edited by Jenny523 (edited 01-29-2001).]
  • Journalling away Jen! http://www.3fatchicks.com/ubb//dizzy.gif I bought the 12 week notebook. I hate the loose papers. I am always misplacing them. LOL
    You are right we have to keep the momentum going. I want to be ready for Summer.
    Great job on the points Sunday. It is so hard when there is food surrounding you and ditto on the wow doritoes. MMMmmm!
    I agree also about the water when hungry and another thing, I get on the pc and just answer a couple of e-mails and I get that motivation flowing again.
    We bought a Torso Track 2. I did 45 reps. Sat and 45 today. Supposed to do them 3 days/week. I can sure feel it. http://www.3fatchicks.com/ubb//spinning.gif Then I did 30 min. on the treadmill. Feeling pumped!
    Have a wonderful Monday guys!
  • Hi Y'all ~

    Hope everyone is doing well and staying OP. I'm keeping my journal (that's never a problem for me), keeping within my points and I even cut down on my carbs this week. I feel pretty great too. The one thing to make this a perfect week will be to have a good loss on Wednesday night.

    Terri ~ weekends are hard for me for one reason....same as you ~ I don't get my water in. I just have this ritual at work of drinking 3 20 ounce bottles of water and another one at home. On the weekend, I am lucky if I get 1 in.

    Jen ~ that glass of water when you're hungry is a great idea. It's filling and will hold me over until meal time.

    I'm thinking about joining a health club but still mulling it over. I'll decide tomorrow. We'll see.

    love to all of you, have a wonderful evening

    Zoe ~ soaking up the "SON" in Texas

    [This message has been edited by Zoe (edited 01-29-2001).]
  • Hi everyone,

    This week is starting a nosedive, so I thought I'd check in here and pump up my morale and enthusiasm. Perhaps I'm again too cocky after a good loss. I certainly don't want that to become a pattern.

    I bought a new exercise video last week, but never got around to even unwrapping it. That is the #1 thing to do on my agenda for tomorrow.

    We had plans to go to Mexico at the end of April, which Joe still wants to do as long as his dr. says ok. I've got to stay focused on that trip and stay OP.

    How's everyone doing? Essie, Dianne? Myra? Let's not give up too quickly. Perhaps if we share what our biggest obstacles are, we could get some input from each other. Lots of great ideas are tossed around at "in person" meetings, I don't see why we couldn't do it here.

    How about just being plain old hungry and not wanting to count it or journal it? That's me sometimes. But I've got to realize that there will be many more meals, many more holidays, parties, celebrations, etc., and I've got to stop eating like it's the Last Supper.

    Zoe, good luck at your weigh in tomorrow.
    Terri, sounds like you're getting in some great exercise. Soon you'll be out of the 150's.

    have a good evening, girls....I'm thinking of all of you.
  • Hello

    Jen, you're right about posting no matter what. I just feel like what's the use at times. I start the day so well but blow it at night. I gave up on the meetings. My co-worker almost has me convinced to join LA Weightloss. I know it's not that WW doesn't work it's me.

    Well, just popped in to say hi.

    I haven't given up yet. One good thing, I'm still exercising

    Have a great week everybody!

  • Hi Y'all ~ Just wanted to say hello. Joined a health club tonight so I'm going to be so in shape soon. Ha!!

    tomorrow is weigh in and I'm looking forward cuz I feel like I did good this week but we'll see. Sometimes, when you feel like you did good, you didn't. Oh Oh, hope that's not the case.

    I'll let you know tomorrow night. Have a wonderful evening and a great Wednesday

    Zoe ~ soaking up the "SON" in Texas
  • Essie,
    You are so close aren't you? Don't be so hard on yourself. We are here for you no matter what you decide. What is LA weightloss? We luv ya! We miss you! Stay with us!! Great job on exercising.

    You cocky? NEVER!!! Just excited. Those are great losses and you should stand proud!!! I forget to write down sometimes although it always goes into my calculater. But I forget what I eat. Gotta use the old saying: If You Bite it Write it!
    If You Nibble it Scribble it!
    I hope all goes well with the trip. Hope EVERYTHING is going good for you.
    Good luck to you also this week.
    Good luck Zoe!
    Dianne and Myra have a wonderful night.

    [This message has been edited by points (edited 01-31-2001).]
  • Essie,
    I'm with Terri. No matter what program you follow, please keep posting and don't give up on your weight loss efforts. I know your frustration. I've been going through hard times and have been more off program than on the past few weeks. Too much crazyness going on in my life. But I am making a real effort to get back OP. I really dread what the scales will say this week but I have to face them. I haven't been to a meeting for two weeks. Wish me luck Thursday nite.

  • Good luck Thursday night Myra!!!!
    All things that are able to be crossed are crossed. :insanity:
  • Hi Guys

    Terri, LA Weightloss is becoming very popular. It's $6.00 a week but you must prepay & YOU MUST buy their protein bars $28 a week. It's something like the old WW program, Selections. You get weighed & measured 3x a week. I decided to stick with WW.

    Myra, you've been through alot lately. Good luck on your weigh-in. Is your problem with the house settled?

    Hi Jen, Dianne & Zoe

  • Hey Ladies....just got home from WW Woo Hoo!!!! I lost 3 pounds!! That makes 15.6 in the last 4 weeks alone! I am so excited ~ God is so good. I am really feeling His help this month.

    I need to run cuz hubby waits dinner for me till I get home on Wed nights but I'll be back later.....just wanted to add in my loss.

    Zoe ~ Soaking up the "SON" in Texas
  • No. Still up in the air. Doesn't that stink. My landlady is working on it. She's trying to get a loan. Hopefully she'll get it. I don't have the money, or inclination, to move right now.

  • Zoe!! You are on a roll. Good going! I'm happy for you.

    Myra, sorry the house issue isn't resolved yet. It's terrible to have it hanging like that over your head. Chin up, things usually have a way of working themselves out.

    Essie, I'm glad you're sticking around. You're bound to get back in the groove; meanwhile, just fake it....I did for more than a year.

    Terri, how's Tanner? It sounds as though your family will be lean and trim for summer. You must be a great inspiration for your kids.

    Dianne, hi!! How are you?

    My brother and his wife were just here to visit Joe, brought him one of the "dummy" books....Fitness Walking for Dummies. After the laughter subsided, I leafed through it, and it looks interesting. We'll be pounding the pavement together.
