"Are you bulimic?"

  • That is what I was just asked when I mentioned, "I binged this weekend, so I probably won't have a good weigh in tomorrow."

    I am in utter shock. I really don't know what to say. I'm completely flabbergasted. The fact that I binged made that person think I was bulimic. Maybe it was cause I was talking to a guy but I've never had someone say that to me. Although I've had people say, "Oh, since you are WW, you must not eat anything" or "You have to eat those lean cuisine meals don't you?"

    <---That is so me right now.

    Other than that, my knees have been hurting. So instead of rolling over and frying in front of the TV, I did some yoga. I know some times that helps my knees.
  • Honestly before i started reading 3fc i probably would have thought the same thing. I think it's just most people relate the term "binge" to bulimia, i'm sure it wasn't anything personal. If you'd said "I pigged out" or "i ate way too much" or something i bet they wouldn't have reacted like that. Not everyone is as informed as all the people on here! Wtg with the yoga too!
  • I always knew about it. I don't know if it was my mother's constant dieting or just my higher awareness as a child that something was wrong with my eating habits. This was not normal.

    Also, my mother's diets made me lose a science question tournament in 4th grade. She asked, "What is worse _____ or carbs?" My mom was on atkins at the time and eating a ton of pork rinds. I answered without a doubt, "Carbs!" WRRRROOOONGGGG. It still frustrates me. I was the only girl and about to win.
  • Binging is also a common term related to an eating disorder, (anorexia nervosa - binge-purge subtype, binging and purging, etc.). That's probably what the person thought you meant!! Although, in the context you said it, I don't see how they could have.

  • Binging is more than just pigging out or eating too much. This is from the Mayo Clinic site from the definition of binge eating:

    * Eating large amounts of food
    * Eating even when you're full
    * Eating rapidly during binge episodes
    * Feeling that your eating behavior is out of control
    * Depression
    * Anxiety
    * Frequent dieting without weight loss
    * Frequently eating alone
    * Hoarding food
    * Hiding empty food containers
    * Feeling depressed, disgusted or upset about your eating

    Binging can be done on it's own (binge eating disorder) or combined with purging (bulimia).
  • I think folks use the term "binge" too lightly, so it's not surprising that some people react that way. Why not just say you overate? Unless, of course, you were really bingeing, which is in fact a disorder...

  • no, but my dinner fully rebounded tonight and it was effin' gross.

    i mean, dinner was okay. but why it decided to come right back up is a bit of a mystery.

    an unpleasant mystery i hope not to repeat anytime soon!

  • "Binge" does have a much more negative connotation than "pigged out" or "over-ate." And I am curious - did you really "binge" or did you just eat off-plan?