
  • Hi,
    Has anyone here done this? If so where you pleased with your results? I am currently doing the Transfirmer and have notice the scale climbing. I don't want to be discouraged but I pay weight watchers to tell me I am gain and it does not make me happy.
    Just a little background, I do the transfirmer every other day and on the days I don't workout, I walk 3.5 miles.
  • How long have you been doing it? Are you noticing your clothes fitting better? When I did The Firm workouts I didn't really pounds, but it sure firmed things up.
  • I have the transfirmer and most of the dvd's for it. I really love it more than the fanny lifter, which I do still have too. The transfirmer workouts that I recommend for weight loss are the cardios: Express Cardio, fat blasting cardio, advanced cardio blast, ultimate calorie blaster, just to name a few. The step increase the intensity without making it high impact. What dvd's are you doing?