I sure could use a kind word or two right now...

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  • Hope things look better this morning. How was your trip? (I recognized your writing style. )

  • Today is a new day chickie

    I know what you mean not clicking with a friend. My best friend and I went through a rough patch in December & wound up not talking for a couple of months. When we picked back up it was a little weird but now we are backed to being almost joined at the hip lol
  • hey sweetie - we all go through these rough patches have get those kicks in the teeth. I hope you are feeling a bit better now and that you got some sleep. Keep moving forward!!! You are one of the ones who inspires me on a daily basis and I KNOW you can get out of this little funk!!

    you know what to do Kira, you know these things are just temporary - I hope you can re-connect with your friend or at least work through whatever it is very soon. these are the things in life that unfortuately we don't have a lot of control over, so KEEP the control where you can!!

  • awww poor muffin <<<big hugs>>>> tomorrow will be a bright sunny day and you'll get a bounce in your step eventually. As trite a saying as it is, things DO have a way of working themselves out. Put YOURSELF at the top of your "to do" list and then you'll be nice and healthy and able to tackle anything! we're all sending happy waves to you !
  • Kira, you've shown incredible strength and determination in your posts. Fatigue's a killer, and it always sucks when emotional messes attempt to interfere with tranquility and success. You have learned everything you need to know about separating your mouth from your heart during your remarkable journey to health - and you will continue to succeed.
  • Well, hopefully you are going to have a much better day today. Sometimes a good night's sleep can really put things back in a better place. "Though the sorrow might last through the night, the joy comes in the morning". Hope that is what happened for you.

    It's hard when you have so many things running through your mind at night!
  • Kira - I'm sorry to hear that you had such a bad weekend.

    But like you said "tomorrow will be a better day" I think I will use this mantra for myself in the future. No matter how bad a day I have had tomorrow will always be a new day.

    Keep your head up!
  • I hope you are having a better day today, Kira. Maybe you need to schedule a little "revitalize me" time --- a stroll through a park with lovely gardens or a half hour sitting on a rock next to a stream or a window-shopping trip or a decadent bath or whatever helps you recharge.

    Life's path has plenty of rocky stretches --- lucky it also has a lot of helping hands to give you a boost so you scramble over them intact.

  • Oh I'm so sorry Kira! Lot's of hugs! We all have bad days but it's good to remember that tomorrow will be better. I had an awful morning because everyone stayed up to late last night, so this morning we slept in and were all cranky but once I dropped the kids off I thought, I'm not going to let this ruin my day. It's good so far but at the same time my office is dead and I haven't talk to anyone in over an hour. Hang in there! It'll get better. And another hug coming your way!
  • Morning, all!

    Good sleep; went out with DH; planned dinner; off to yoga...

    Thanks, all for the advice and support. You don't know how much the posts have meant...

    New day! New attitude!


  • Oh good! She's baaaaack!!!
    Glad you're feeling better!
  • I'm sorry you hit a rough patch Glad you got some good rest. It always does a world of good IMO.