
  • So while working out today I thought of a few questions I have been wanting to post. Here we go:

    1. What is the best type of food to eat before and after exercise?
    For example, this morning I had egg beaters, 2 slices of turkey bacon, and a few chunks of fresh pineapple. I ate this at 7:45am and began working out at 8:45.

    2. Does anyone have an ultimate work out song that really makes them move?
    I also would love playlist suggestions.

    Of course I cannot think of number three now. Oh Well.

  • Katy Perry "Hot n Cold" is a good song
  • MdTerrapin: If I ate that before running, I'd be seeing it again around mile 2. I can manage at most half a serving of oatmeal (1/4 cup dry) an hour before I run, and I prefer to run on just coffee or an empty stomach.

    My point is that every body is different. There's no one right food before working out. Listen to your body.