Steel Magnolias -- #31

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  • Monday

    We had another night with thunder and lightening and rain. Then today is a bright shiney day. I wish we would have storms like we had while in Montana. Day time gulley rushers and we would sit in our wooden rockers on the front part of our wraparound porch and watch Mother Natures Show. I am still waiting for my glass order so am having a down day from my glass works. Ragg Mopp goes for his hair cut and bath this day. He got something tangled up in the long hairs on one of his floppy ears and it is quite a mass that I could not get out nor get his comb through. Ah, but his groomer has magic fingers. He loves her and I am so glad. I am making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. One of the ladies at church gave us a flat loaf of savory bread that will be great with it that she had made. I use those Schwans meat balls that are one point each. I used to make them but now it is so easy to buy them and they are so good. Yes, I do love Schwans.

    DONNA FAYE Thanks for the heads up on that omition in that recipe. Got it all fixed now. If you find any more or any typo's please let me know and I'll fix them. Those boys are so cute. The lights are on and they are home in there. So glad t was just Mother Nature messing with you and not that mean old ill bug. Your blanket is gonna be georgeous. That pattern is a nice one for sure.

    JEAN So Bob made a contribtion to your pile. What a guy. Won't it be nice to get it all gone. But keep any treasures you may come across while sorting. Moving around this country so much as we have we don't have too much extra. I must admit when we did sell our house it took a while and a few yard sales to get rid of lots of "stuff." We sent boxes of neat things to our kids too. I remember we delivered some furniture to Texas.

    SUSAN I hope you are breathing easier this day. OOOO I would take that kitty. It won't be too much longer when we will be able to find one for Ragg Mopp. They will be in boxes out in front of the market for give away soon. We checked with the pet store and they said to watch for that. After we get one ~ off to the vet to get it all checked and necessary shots. We have friends living out in the country that have wild ones living around but we don't want a wild cat. We want a kid fondeled cat. I have to be thinking up a name. Our last cat was Turn About's Fur Play and answered to "Turn" and didn't know what "kitty, kitty" meant. Years past we had Guido Sproket Spumoni and April Axel Sarduchi. They went by Sproket and Axel. Sproket was a gray/black tabby male and Axel was yellow/orange tabby female. But they were "fixed" so they didn't know what they were. I am sure you wanted to know all of that. Anyway you now see why I need to think up a name.

    Too Hip, Gotta Go.... Type at y'all later
  • Good morning to you all. I thought I would post since Jack called to let me know how much gas was this morning. I was tearing out a couple rows on my blanket and had to get up to answer the phone.

    I decided since I finally seem to have a handle on staying on track with weight loss I would put up a ticker. I hope it isn't bad luck!

    Maggie: I just thought maybe the pasta salad really had no pasta and was a fake out! I will be anxious to try it. Sounds like something I would eat for lunch. Have you tried the WW ziti in marinara with cheese? Wow, it is pretty good too. I had it yesterday for lunch. I am finding buying those for lunch helps keep me on track and I have found about 20 that I like. Jack has them pretty much everyday for lunch except when he takes soup or once in awhilea dinty moore meal. He said something about going back to doing slim fast drink once in awhile, but I told him he should stick with eating food.

    Susan: Jackson is tall for his age. Of course, his daddy is 6'5" and his mom is a big gal too so it figures he will be. He isn't fat, just a solid little boy. I have one ultra skinny and tall as the devil like his daddy and then one tall and very big just like his daddy. Jay weighed nearly 10 lbs when he was born and was 23 inches long so he was no shrinking violet as a newborn. Add me to the list of rain sharing. We had another big wind thunderstorm that blew through here around 5-6 last night. I stood at the door and watched it praying we wouldn't lose power again.

    Jean: I sent you a swatch pic of the trellis pattern blanket. I can't do anything else while I am knitting this or I screw up the pattern so tv, audio book, even putting on XM radio on the tv is out. I guess my brain is not wired for that!

    Dr's today so we shall see what she says about my skin peeling. My hands are pretty much cleared up and it looks like my feet may be as well so it might be some fluke. I will still talk to her about it.

    Did you all see they are trying to push through a bill to tax fast food joints because of unhealthy food? Good grief, when are they going to face up to the fact that we just need some good ole self control to not pork out? They need to stop blaming the food establishments. I am not opposed to having real healthy alternatives in restaurants and fast food places, but no one forces you to go into Mcdonald's and order a big mac and fries. I think it is ridiculously unfair to slam the food places for the fact that you won't control yourself enough to pass them by. I am pretty fed up with government trying to control every aspect of our lives. It is one thing if your health insurance increases let's say if you are obese, but now to slam free enterprise for it is just plain wrong.

    Looks like it is almost time for breakfast so I better skedaddle. Have a good Tuesday everyone!

  • Good rainy morning, ladies.

    Faye, They have pretty much taxed the smokers to death and I always felt it was going to be food next. Maybe they will make us all weigh in during January and then tax us on how much overweight we are. I can see airlines charging for 2 seats for really big people because it would cut in their revenue not to be able to sell that seat. How they plan to educate people and get them to cook at home from scratch is beyond me. Maybe we'll be allowed 1 meal out a week and prepackaged foods and snacks will be taxed more. I thought I remembered Jackson was tall for his age. Your blanket is beautiful.

    Maggie, I love the cats names! Hopefully the stray has found a home. She was around when I came home from work and there were 2 girls out playing (about 9 years old). They asked if I had a new cat and I told them she had no home and I couldn't take her. I put a little food out for her and she ate a few bits. When the girls went home, I realized she wasn't around. The food was still there this morning so I have my fingers crossed one of them has been allowed to adopt her or someone did or her owners found her.

    We had a good time at applique bee last night. We don't meet during July and August and a couple of ladies who haven't come in a long time were there.

    Nothing going on today.

    Have a good day!
  • Good Morning, Flowers! It's another gloomy rainy day in my neighborhood. I wish the sun would come out and show itself for a few days! I've been to physical therapy and he thinks it is bursitis beside my knee. After an hour of stretching, ultrasound, and medicine I came home with exercises to do. I've never been very flexible so the stretching pulled on muscles I forgot I had. Now I don't feel like doing anything, but I do need to work in the garage and start my packing list. I will have to dig for some summer clothes just in case the weather shapes up.

    Susan -- I have another garage box full for the Good Will. The "Ladies of the Evening" is a cute name for your applique bee group, and the Madam is a hoot. I hope the stray cat has a home whether it be a new one or his/her own.

    Maggie -- Have you given any thought as to where you want to reside permanently when you decide to settle down? You have lived in a lot of interesting places. I do remember that you found a new home for Turn, but why did you give him up? Your cats all have had very original names that's for sure.

    "Gma" -- I will be curious what the doctor has to say about your hands and feet. I haven't gotten your email yet. The blanket will be beautiful I'm sure. Iowa does not tax food bought in the grocery store, and I think they should since everyone eats. It really bugs me to see people using food stamps and then pay cash for the beer and cigarettes!

    I'm off to the garage. Have a nice day!

    Jean -- from Iowa!
  • Tuesday

    Like I said in my post below...this site is acting up. This was a double post and not green. Ouch.

  • Tuesday
    Rained big time last evening and now it is a muggy day. This time last year things were turning yellow by now and this year with all that nice rain it is green everywhere. Hard to put weed and feed on the lawn though. Will has been trying to kill off the bad stuff since this yard has been neglected for so many years. I have a baby shower to go to Saturday and while Will was out and about yesterday he stopped in at the baby clothing shop down town and gave me a call. He found the most darling little baseball outfut. I told him, yes, go ahead and buy it. It is for a 6 month but that will come so quick. She has two girls and this one is going to be a boy. It is so cute and even came with sox. I love that store for it has such quality baby outfits. Not just the run of the mill stuff if you get my drift. He also got me a ger-prise. It is a small stuffed kitten that when you hug it is meows. It looks good on my shelf of stuffed things.

    JEAN When we brought Ragg Mopp home it made Turn absolutely furious. He hissed and didn't want a thing to do with that adoreable little ball of energy that wanted to be his friend. Turn was old and cranky and didn't want a thing to do with any of us for we had betrayed him. I felt so sorry for him. One of our friends came by and Turn adopted her and she was thrilled for she always wanted that cat. So she got that cat and he lived his last days not being annoyed with that little energetic ball of fur we introduced into the family.

    SUSAN Are you going to miss your bee during the summer? I do hope those girls did take that little cat.

    DONNA FAYE I am glad Jack is better and back at it. Gas prices are said to be going up so the folks who drive bigger cars will buy the smaller ones that use less gas. They do want to tax everything so they can pay for some of their programs. They said they won't be taxing the diet sodas though, just the full calorie kind. However, rest assured they are cruising around finding what can be taxed. I do like to use Slim Fast as a basis for a good fruit smoothie as a meal replacement sometmes especially in the summer mornings. WW and LQ do have some good meals out now. Yep, I have had the one you mentioned and did like it lots.

    This site is acting all goofey and I am getting off now. Type at y'all later.