June Preggos!

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  • Hey everyone! I haven't been around much lately. We have been busy getting ready for our baby boy! One more week till I hit the 3rd trimester! YAY! For now I am counting the days until my maternity leave...August 7th is my last day! So far I have gained 9ish pounds. My OB said she wants me to gain 15ish, but I am thinking it will be more like 20. I am thinking that the stress over the gaining an extra 5 lbs is probably much worse than the actual 5 lbs extra.

    I hope everyone is doing well!
  • Hi ladies,

    Well I am back in the preggos forum again. Not exactly what I was expecting at all, but I guess someone else had other plans for us. AF was supposed to be her on June 3rd and she was a no show. I have been breastfeeding so when AF didn't show I was not overly concerned. I took a test just to ease my mind and this is what I saw.

    I have not even told Joe yet - I think I am still in shock. We wanted our kids close together, but not this close. Johanthon will be just over a year old when this baby is born - he was born January 15, 2009. I am trying to stay positive, but feel guilty like I am robbing Johanthon of his baby days. Maybe it is just the hormones talking. I have set up an appt with my midwife for next Monday, so I will be able to confirm my due date then, but this is what all of the due date calculators are saying.

    Has anyone had babies that close together?

    Well that is all my news today - how is everyone else feeling?
  • WOW Lovinlife! What a surprise that must be. A huge congratulations to you, babies are always exciting... even the unexpected ones!

    DH and his older sister are 10.5 months apart (yep, my MIL went to her 6 week appointment pregnant). She said it was hard in some ways but in some ways easier because she got all of the diapers out of the way at the same time and all of the potty training done about the same time, etc. I know you'll make it, you're going to be just fine!
  • my brother and i were 14 months apart. it was great for us! we always had someone to play with growing up. we did fight, like most siblings do, but we were/are closer than most siblings i knew/know. i know my mom and dad had some hard times with having us so close together, but they have said that they would do it again.

    good luck!
  • Congrats! My brother and sister are 10 months apart and they are really close. They do fight like normal siblings but don't come between them, it can be dangerous !!

    My MW started me on abx for group b strep ( i didn't know they could test your urine for it!) Just as the ms was going away these are tearing my stomach up. DS hasn't asked to nurse in weeks and now that I can't let him (b/c of meds) he's begging .
  • Just checking in. DH is supposed to get to come home tomorrow. His staph was diagnosed as MRSA (penecillan resistant strain) and they wanted to be SURE it is gone when he comes home.

    On top of driving back and forth to the hospital, I'm training a new recruit that I signed up on Saturday. I spent 2 1/2 hours with her Tuesday night showing her how to enter orders and just getting her set up. I'll probably wind up spending more time with her getting her ready, but that's OK.

    I'm still exhausted, even more so now, if that's possible.
  • Thanks everyone - it is good to know that having babies that close together can be done and the parents live to tell about it.

    I think the shock is starting to wear off. I have my first OB appt on Monday and I will come back with a confirmed due date then.

    I hope everyone is feeling well and have a great weekend!

    I see that several other mommas have baby-gaga tickers too - are you members there also or just use their ticker?
  • I mainly just use the ticker, although I do browse around the boards every-now-and-then (lurker only).
  • Just had my first ob visit with my midwife and my official due date is February 12, 2010. She scheduled me for an u/s in two weeks on 6/29 - I am starting to get more excited now that is becoming "real" to me.

    Luckily I have not had any morning sickness yet. Besides being tired I have felt pretty good.

    How is everyone else feeling?
  • Well, I officially entered the 3rd trimester yesterday! YAY! I'm in the home stretch! I can't believe how fast the end of the pregnancy goes! Time is flying by!

    Aside from that, I am getting my butt kicked! I am exhausted all the time...more than the 1st trimester, if that's possible! I am short of breath and dizzy, both not fun. My hips, groin and lower back all ache. Oh and I get these really fun leg cramps! LOL! I am falling apart! The joy is that the baby is more active than ever! Daddy and I are overjoyed when he puts on 30 min acrobat shows for us (like he did last night).

    Lovinlife...my bf and I want our children close together for a couple reasons. One, I am 30 and don't want to be doing this into my late 30's. I want to pop 'em out as young as I can. Two, he has Crohn's and one the medicines that works wonders for it, greatly reduces sperm count and mobility. Once you take it, you can't stop and restart. If you stop and go back on, it will not work anymore. We want to make sure that are babymaking is done, just in case his condition worsens and he needs to take that medicine or one similar. I know we will have our hands full, but I know once we get in a routine, we'll be able to handle it. For now though, I am concentrating on baby #1, ETA 9/7. I can't wait!
  • Ack!! 3 days past due date and no baby yet! I'm going nuts!
  • Cranky, cranky, cranky. ..... I'm driving EVERYONE around me nuts! On top of that, I'm still exhausted and am now getting almost constant headaches. Everytime I try to talk to my Dr. about it, I keep hearing "go back on your Lexapro." Well, I don't want too!! It may or may not be safe for the baby--who wants to take that chance? Not me!

    Anyway, my crankiness is coming out even here, so I'll go for now!
  • Just dropping in to say hey and see what's up with the other pregnant ladies around here!

    I'm still sick!

    Next dr.s appt. is Wednesday. I'm going to talk to him about the headaches and exhaustion.
  • Just popping in again. I haven't been around since I found out I was pregnant. Things are going smoothly. We will find out the sex in 17 days (not that I'm counting). I'm thinking girl, although it'd be great to have another little boy. Either way my son has a big surprise coming to him! He's only 14 months old, so I know he has no concept of what's going on. I feel almost guilty. But hey, we wanted them close!
  • I've got a midwife appointment tonight, I'm hoping to get her to take a peek and see if she can tell us the sex!!