"Every-Day" 21-Day Challenge -- Time to crack down!

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  • liftoff on all!
    Well, I got through a day on all five challenges! I almost postponed liftoff on sugar yet again and though, what for?
    Logging the food is hard for the usual reason, I just have come to hate the idea of writing things down. It is tedious. But, when I do it, I know it keeps me in check because I have to say, oh, look at all I've eaten already.
    I could feel the pulls to smoke again. So stupid of me. I don't know what changed in me to go from not even thinking about smoking for 15 years to having to go through this on again off again stuff.

    No alcohol Day 1 completed
    Minimal sugar Day 1 completed up to 3 pauses allowed
    No smoking Day 2 completed no pauses allowed
    Food journal Day 2 completed no pauses allowed
    Caffeine Cut (Round 2!) Day 11 completed 0 pauses taken


    diyana -- Well, your "horrible dinner choice" doesn't sound all that bad, but then, I don't know about points. Please remember our "food porn" rule. You can fall off the wagon but don't go into detail. We may jump after you! Sorry about the asthma. I used to get it bad. Now it's rare, unless it's exercise-induced on a cold morning when I'm riding. Hope you get better soon.

    Sara -- Like Shad's low calories, I don't see how you can eat so little?!? I hope you're not setting yourself up for a gorging attack. Be careful.

    miriam -- Weight is always all over the place. Just be honest with what you're eating AND give things time. Then readjust if there's no progress. Simple, right? WRONG. Heh, I'm in the same boat. Let's not sink it together.

    What do I do for protein? Well, I'm not vegan, so there's lots of things, cheese, nonfat milk and eggs. I don't like dairy much and really don't want to eat it for ethical reasons, but, unfortunately, cheese I love. But, my mainstays are beans and lentils. I LOVE curry and a dal curry is great. Also, I am always using an assortment of beans in anything, throwing in azuki beans and such when I'm cooking brown rice and even in my oatmeal. Beans are SUPER FOODS....I hope this doesn't constitute food porn. I worry about people on low carb diets.

    Manga are cartoons, comic books. It's just the Japanese word for them. I think it may even be in the English language now, like anime.

    Good going on the sugar!!

  • My challenges are as follows (each are separate):
    -Only eat 1200 calories --Day6 (2 pauses left)
    -NO fast food --Day 6 (2 pauses left)
    -NO eating past 7pm--Day 7 (3 pauses left)
    -Exercise Daily--Day 7 (3 pauses left)
    -Drink 5 glasses of water or more--Day 7 (3 pauses left)

    Diyana-I hope your asthma gets better. That sounds scary!

    Red-Great job on lifting off with the sugar challenge. It's so easy to just postpone another day. And, I know what you mean about 1200 calories being, maybe, to little. I will boost up my calories after this challenge. I just need to anchor down by eating healthy and not as much! So, I figure the 21 days of only eating 1200 calories will help me overcome my over-eating...along with not eating past 7pm, and no fast food. Those 3 combinations sure make a difference!
  • Hi, everyone. I have been busy, so haven't gotten back here to post. Starting over on everything except the water, since I really don't know if I did it or notl But I know I have continued my water daily.

    1. Journal my food daily, every bite.-2 pauses allowed-
    2. Drink 24 oz water-1 pause allowed- 15 days completed-1 pause taken
    3. No eating after 10:30 p.m. unless it's fruit-3 pauses allowed-
    4. 1 fruit minimum daily-3 pauses allowed-Day 0
    5. 1 vege minimum daily -3 pauses allowed-Day 0

    I changed up #3 with Red's suggestion. Thank you! You ladies are doing great!
  • Red - great job on having a successful day with all 5 challenges! YGG! Thanks for the support and the words of caution about food porn. Essentially, because of my height, weight, age, etc., I get 27 points per day (so eating 24 at one meal is insane). But thankfully, WW allows 35 extra points per week, so if you do have a special occasion or a day that is just "off",there's no reason to give up. I still have a few of the weekly extra points left, but I'm going to try and not use them.

    Saramommy - You're doing great on your challenges too!! You rock!

    As for me, I will stay within my points and since I'm breathing much better, I plan to get my exercise in!! Yay!
  • Didn't do so well yesterday or the day before with crunches and water. So they are just waiting for me to feel better and I will start them again.
    The rest is okay.
    No snacking - 3 pauses - Day 1 & 2 complete
    Portion control - 3 pauses - Day 1 & 2 complete
    1300 calorie limit - 3 pauses - Day 1 & 2 complete
    Water - 1.5 litres per day - 3 pauses -
    100 Crunches - 3 pauses - .
  • hmmm.....what to do next?
    Well, I had to take a pause on sugar yesterday. I could start over but think I'll tough it out. It's not really such a hard challenge in a sense. It was a day different from most as I went up north with a friend to look at a farm. Sitting in the car most of the day and coming across new food temptations had me craving sugar. I didn't go overboard though and I did stick to the other challenges. I almost had too much caffeine but was falling asleep in the car and thought it was rude so I had a bit of coffee in the afternoon. My usual tea, however, was a measly weak thing, so overall I think the intake was the usual and am going to call it clear.

    We're in the midst of the solar eclipse here, but can only see it on TV from the southern islands of Okinawa, where it will be total. It's still raining in Tokyo and here it's only 75 percent. I wonder how many American are down in Okinawa for the eclipse. I hope they can get a look at it.

    I also stopped at a beekeeper and got some fresh, raw honey, which is nearly impossible to find here. Then again, I notice from the label that they make no mention of the fact that it is raw. I would think they would but...oh, yes, on the back it says "natural honey." I've never seen that in the stores. Raw honey is the only kind with the minerals and good things intact. Everytime someone goes to the States I ask them to get me a jar. They had types from all sorts of pollens and I tasted a bunch. I got one of the two they actually made there, which is from cherry blossoms. Yum.

    I really don't want to go into the office, but have to...

    No alcohol Day 2 completed
    Minimal sugar Day 1 completed 1 pause taken
    No smoking Day 3 completed no pauses allowed
    Food journal Day 3 completed no pauses allowed
    Caffeine Cut (Round 2!) Day 12 completed 0 pauses taken


    diyana -- Thanks for the explanation. Wow, you sure did go overboard, eh? But if you have the extra points you CAN still come out ahead. Good for you for figuring it out and realizing there is a plan for success. Thanks for the congrats too. How's your asthma doing? I hope you can breathe easy.

    Sara -- Sounds like a good plan! Best of luck!!

    Jazzy -- Too bad about the restart but great attitude!!

    Shad -- What's up? Are you feeling ill? I hope whatever ails you clears up real soon. How's the work front?

  • Nope - not well. Can't seem to shake this cold fully. Sinus' are infected and bleeding. If there is no improvement tomorrow, then I guess it's time to get something tougher than over the counter stuff. Living on panadol today.

    Always nice to get good honey. Manuka honey from NZ is the best stuff I know of specially the stuff with Active X. It sure isn't cheap though. My Dad used to love the real honey comb stuff with the waxy bits still in it. Can't get it often these days tho'

    As for work, well nothing coming up just yet, but that's okay. I don't want to go anyway. Doesn't matter too much yet, I can afford to stay off work for some time, if I live off savings and investments probably a couple of years, provided I live simply.
  • yes, Red. I really did go overboard. But now I'm back on track. So did it get pretty dark where you are...even though you only had a 75% eclipse? DH and I went on vacation in Hawaii in 1990 or 1991 to coincide with a complete solar eclipse that was visible from either there or Mexico. It was such a cool site. Thanks for asking about my breathing...I'm doing lots better!

    Shad - I hope you get over your cold/infection very soon. All this talk of honey is making my mouth water. Wisconsin has some wonderful honey and I'm looking forward to sampiing a few and purchasing some at State Fair next month. Enjoy your time off...you've had some very stressful and rough assignments and deserve a break.

    I got to the gym yesterday and did 45 minutes of intense cardio. I did some interval training and really pushed myself. But at the end I was too pooped to crunch.

    Journal and Stay within points - 3 pauses left - Day 8 completed.
    Gym or walk at least 25 minutes - 2 pauses left - Day 7 completed.
    50 ab exercises - 1 pause left - Still on Day 6.

    A big to Jazzy, Saramommy, and everyone!
  • My challenges are as follows (each are separate):
    -Only eat 1200 calories --Day8 (2 pauses left)
    -NO fast food --Day 8 (2 pauses left)
    -NO eating past 7pm--Day 9 (3 pauses left)
    -Exercise Daily--Day 9 (3 pauses left)
    -Drink 5 glasses of water or more--Day 9 (3 pauses left)

    (these numbers include today...I'm counting on not messing up, haha!)
  • Well, weigh in today wasn't great. I'm down 0.2 lb , but given my pizza overload the other night, I'm happy for any loss!
  • clear on all fronts....
    I was clear on all challenges yesterday, though my food choices were not very good. This means I'm adding another challenge and that is to be no fast food or deep-fried foods. I never ate fast food before and now it's becoming a habit. Gads!
    I almost blew off sugar but didn't and I'm happy for that. Someone said I was looking well yesterday and it made me feel a lot more like sticking to it. I haven't been exercising other than walking and the occasional ride and I feel bad about that. Plan is to get into a good fitness habit once I've quit the job and have some time to myself.

    No fast food or deep-fried foods Day 0 completed
    No alcohol Day 3 completed
    Minimal sugar Day 2 completed 1 pause taken
    No smoking Day 4 completed no pauses allowed
    Food journal Day 4 completed no pauses allowed
    Caffeine Cut (Round 2!) Day 13 completed 0 pauses taken


    diyana -- I'm glad to hear you recorded a loss this week, even if it was a small one. Everything adds up and you're probably still holding water from the pizza. Just keep at it. Don't, as I tend to do, look at the weight loss to gauge your success. Stick to your program long enough and you'll see the progress for sure! It's so easy to undo all the good we've done with a day or two of indulgence, but that's over the long run, a week or so. I'm always surprised when people think things are going to show up so soon....um, yes, I do it too when I've been good one day and expect a loss. Laughing, but not funny.

    I couldn't see anything of the eclipse here in Tokyo. It was rainy and cloudy once the rain stopped. I saw it on TV though but was on the train when it was at its fullest. It's a shame but I hadn't bought any eye protection so it's probably for the better. I would have been looking at it with the naked eye for sure.

    Good going on the cardio! That's a lot of work! Oh, sorry about the honey talk. I hope it doesn't cause you to lose control. I should watch my own rules, eh?

    Sara -- Good for you. You're really moving ahead on those challenges.

    Shad -- I was going to say "summer colds" are a pain, but it's winter by you, isn't it? Hope you feel better soon! Gosh, I sure wish I could live for a couple years without working... guess I never learned to save.

  • Guess I will take a pass for a couple of days on everything. I'll be back sometime over the weekend maybe
  • Red - No worries about the honey talk. I won't indulge...just a small taste at the beekeepers booth at the fair. Great job on your challenges! Avoiding fast foods completely would be very difficult for me. I don't eat fast food often...but sometimes it's the only option when we're out and about on weekends and want something fast and cheap. I do try and make the best possible selections. We've got our County Fair this weekend....and State Fair coming up in a couple weeks.....and fair food is typically very fattening. There's a running joke that if you don't eat the nearly soccer ball sized Cream Puffs or dinner plate sized brownies, you can get any other kind of food deep fried on a stick! Deep fried Snickers bars, twinkies, you name it. Luckily, most of it sounds really gross to me. I like the cream puffs very much, but prefer the roasted corn on the cob. Add a baked potato and some kind of protein (hamburger or steak sandwich) and I'll be set. (sorry if this is food porn)

    Shad - I sure hope you feel better very soon. You've been doing so well. You just need a bit of R&R after finishing the assignment from h*ll.

    I went to the gym last night and did 1/2 hour of cardio and, yes, drum roll please, 50 ab exercises!

    Tonight, at the gym it'll be 1/2 hour of cardio followed by 1/2 hour strength training (including the 50 ab exercises).

    Journal and Stay within points - 3 pauses left - Day 9 completed.
    Gym or walk at least 25 minutes - 2 pauses left - Day 8 completed.
    50 ab exercises - 1 pause left - Day 7 completed.
  • Okay ladies....gotta share this....at my WW meeting today, which I consider to be my OFFICIAL weekly weigh in...I was down 2 lbs (223.6)!
  • Congrats Diyana!!!! That must feel so good!!!

    My challenges are as follows (each are separate):
    -Only eat 1200 calories --Day 8 (1 pauses left)
    -NO fast food --Day 8 (1 pauses left)
    -NO eating past 7pm--Day 10 (3 pauses left)
    -Exercise Daily--Day 9 (2 pauses left)
    -Drink 5 glasses of water or more--Day 10 (3 pauses left)

    Friends are coming over tonight with pizza...DANG IT!!! at least I have another pause day haha!