Cat Litter Inspired Me

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  • I went to the market today for my weekly visit and picked up a box of cat liter to put in my cart. As I picked up the box, I thought to myself, "gosh this stuff is heavy". As I put the liter into my cart, I looked at the box to find the weight - 20 Lbs. This may seem like a minor occurrence, but it made me think about the extra weight I have been carrying around. No wonder my knees hurt. No wonder I get tired walking up the stairs. I tried to imagine myself hauling around 2 or 3 of these boxes of cat liter all day long. That's exactly what I am doing by allowing myself to be burdened with my extra weight. I think I'll keep the box of liter out so I can see it and remind me of how important it is to my health to get rid of my extra weight.
  • i would have never thought of that..but its so true, we dont realize the extra stree we are putting on our bodies every single day!

  • Wow, that is an eye-opening way of looking at it! I recently bought a 40-lb box of cat litter, and it took everything I had to get it from the bottom of the cart onto the checkout counter! And yet, here I am walking around with 42 lbs still left to lose!
  • the last time I lost some weight, I picked up a 30 lb of dog food and was amazed how much weight that actually is.
  • That's great! I have a lot of cats and I usually buy several of the 27-lb boxes at a time. Let's see, I need to lose about almost 3 of those boxes!

    I hate carrying those suckers upstairs!
  • I measure my weight loss in basset hounds. I have lost 3 small basset hounds! And even the small ones are heavy!
  • Quote: I measure my weight loss in basset hounds. I have lost 3 small basset hounds! And even the small ones are heavy!
    Ha! That's hilarious! And yes, they are heavy dogs. I think I need to lose all 8 of my cats.

    It's really amazing to think about your extra weight in this way. No wonder my knees hurt sometimes. If we could lose it overnight instead of gradually, I don't think we could handle it; our center of balance would be so off we'd be falling all over the place!
  • Wow..that's a good wonder I'm tired and my feet scream at me after being on them too long! I need to lose 50 pounds and at Costco those litter boxes are 50 lbs...won't it feel good when I don't have that anymore!!!
  • lol! It's dog food for me: I buy it in 15kg sacks ~ if I get one on my shoulder I can carry it to the car but no further. I've lost nearly 2 since the very beginning, 1.25 since the end of January this year.
    or dogs: of the 5 I have, I've currently lost a small terrier, a Jack Russel and a Staffy Cross.
  • I have thought about things like that before say when I lift just a gallon of milk, that weighs 8.6 lbs I believe. I would not want to carry one of those around all day! Google what 1lb of fat looks like...bluck!!
  • I did the same exact thing while unloading groceries. Cans of beans? Almost a pound each. So when I lose a pound, I lose a can of beans! It adds up...
  • Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. I just bought a set of bowflex weights, 52.5 lbs each dumbell, I lugged them one at a time down the stairs into my gym-area and I stopped for a moment and thought, OMG I've lost MORE than this weight I can barely get down the stairs, how on EARTH did I carry all that around every single day??
  • Wow--thanks for sharing your insight Samantha! That really resonated with me. I can't wait to get rid of all of this cat litter!
  • Yeah, I've lost almost a whole bag of costco-sized pedigree dog food that I always get for my brothers two dogs. I can't wait to lose all this dog food.
  • I only have one cat and I buy the 8-10 pound bags of wheat litter, but it's a great analogy so I have about 7 of those to lose.