The gym - how often?

  • I'm embarrassed to ask this question really, I'm so new at the gym that what I do would barely register for real exercisistas! but I would like to know if it's ok at this stage to go daily?

    I'm a 54 year old, 5'2" apple (with cute lower limbs and @ss) and have only been joined two weeks, in which I've been 4 times.

    So far all I do is 40 mins cardio and 20 mins mat/weights/stretching but that leaves me just the right side of breathless, and knowing I've done some work.


    If I went every day, would it do me good?
    If I went every day, would it do me harm?
    If I went every day, would there be any advantage over going twice a week or would I be better off taking a dog for a long walk on the non-gym days?


    ps 'good' = I'm trying to increase my calorie expenditure and I'm trying to tone my flabby abbies, which are flabby whether I lose weight or not.
  • Ailidh,

    There's nothing wrong with going to the gym every day, especially at this stage. You might think about alternating "hard days" and "light days." On "hard days", do high-intensity intervals or weight training, and on "light days" do your current cardio routine. "Hard" and "light" are relative, and the starting point very individual. (In other words, what may be "hard" for you is "light" for someone else -- don't let that bother you!)

    But, try not to put so much pressure on yourself to go to the gym every day that you don't give yourself time to recover, or that going to the gym starts to become a drag. There's a tendency for beginners to be really gung-ho for a week or two, to overdo it, and then to stop going. It's better to find a reasonable and do-able schedule for you early on, and stick to it over the long haul!

    Congrats on getting started. It's a wonderful journey.

    Be strong,
  • Kim's suggestions are good. And she's right, it's a great journey.

    Another suggestion is three times a week to start off with. And 'active rest' aka out with the dogs on the other days.

    It's great to be enthusiastic but harness it, don't let it burn you out. This is the beginning of the rest of your life, after all.

    ETA I've just read this of yours on another thread.

    I loathe every form of exercise with a mighty hatred but I do it because I have to, a bit like dentists or going to the bathroom.
    Um. Right then. ... I love the gymn and I hope that you will too. It can be enormous fun and it's quite different from other parts of real life. It can be an escape. It's a challenge. I suppose it's like getting into the cold swimming pool - do you jump in and get it over with or do you ease yourself in? Keep talking to us about it. You can do it. And very well done for going so many times already!