WW at Home June Jabbering

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  • It is walk away the pounds with leslie sansone. when I first tried it I bought the 1,2,3 mile walk you could chose how much you wanted to do (actually you can do that on all of her dvd's) but I found it did not make me feel I really had a good workout so I bought some used 4 and 5 mile walks on amazon and am enjoying them. The pace is brisk (3.5-4mil an hour) she also will do what she calls boosted walk (light jogging) just to do some interval training. You can really do small movements or really exagerate them for more intensitiy and burn more calories. The way I calculated it based on ww activity formula. when I do the 5 mile fat burn and really pump my arms and lift my legs for the entire 65 min I get between 7 and 8 activity pts
  • Wow can you beleive it is almost the end of the month?
    I was looking at the june weigh in and everyone seems to be right on target

    Today I am just going to do some small errands then workout later this evening. Right now my energy level is real low and I am not sure why.

    Have a great day everyone
  • I really slacked in June, i am dreading the scale tomorrow! But, I am starting to plan my meals out so there is less, "well i want it, why not?" we had a girl's night last night and I dont even want to how many points I used!

    Nancy, I would up the protein just a little, make sure it lean though. See if that works. Also, how is your sodium intake? I noticed a big difference in water weight when I lowered mine.

    Book update: I am up tp 10 rejections which is okay, and 1 agent wanted to read more At least I have 1 person's interest! (Even if she rejects me tomorrow, it's still one more tiny step ahead!) Now, it's back to writing this synopsis and taking a shower...

    Have a great, healthy weeks gals!
  • Hotcubanmama, I like your attitude about your rejections. Afterall, rejections just put you one step closer to publishing.

    Nancy, thanks for the info about WATP. The sad thing is I have one of those videos in my workout drawer and it never occured to me that's what it was. I think I'm gonna try it tomorrow. I've also decided to join a bellydancing class at our local community center. It's only $20 a month for once a week class. It's something I've wanted to try for many years so I've just decided that I'm gonna do it.

    It's just after 11pm my time and I have a problem. I've still got 12 points left over for the day. So what do I do? I ate breakfast this morning and lunch this afternoon, but I was meeting with a friend of mine this evening and I was nervous so I didn't think I should try the big dinner I had planned. Instead I just ate some crackers and cheese. I also forgot to eat my afternoon orange and almonds. This happened to me on Friday too. I know this is a messed up problem but I'm afraid that if I don't eat all my points I'll not lose. So what do you think I should do? Should I eat something now even though I'll be going to bed soon or so I just eat my nightly yogurt and go to bed? Tonight I think I'm just gonna eat my yogurt and go to bed. But what should I do if this happens again? Like I said this happend to me on Friday too.

    Thanks for your help!
  • hotcubanmama, I will try uping my protien and I truly only eat lean meats. My sodium I have to always watch because of hypertention. I am so curious about your book, can you tell me what kind it is, what is it about??? You have a such a postive attitude about your rejections how can it not get published?

    Chrissy oh you are going to have so much fun doing belly dancing classes. I remembr doing it ages ago and had a blast!

    Just want to pass on a non-scale victory. You all know that the scales have not been moving for me for several weeks. But..I have not given up on that nor did I stop my exercising. Starting week 6 now and my clothes are fitting better. I even got into a skirt that a year ago when I was 8 pounds lighter I could not wear.
  • Sorry I missed your question Chrissy...I lost 60lbs on the 1200 cal diet...it was Nutrisystem so I didn't actually count the cals I just asked them approx. how many daily cals there were in the women's plan.

    I'm actually up 3lbs from what my ticker says...apparently you can't eat whatever you want and expect it to NOT show up on the scale. Hmmmpf! Time to get serious again...I have to admit...I havnen't even been logging my food. Bad me!!

    I seem to have lost a little motivation...perhaps if I start back at the gym (I'm off for the summer and the kids can go to the daycare so there's NO excuse!) than I'll find that strong commitment I had before.
  • Okay guys here is a quick bit from my query letter (especially for you nancy!)

    is an intricate web of good and evil, love and loss. My book has the supernatural intensity of “The Crow” with a hint of mafia styling from “The Sopranos”.

    College girl spirals downward into addiction after surviving her parents and fiancé in a tragic accident. A Guardian must save her from both self-destruction and the Fallen angel determined to claim her soul—promised to him by its first incarnation—to gain absolute power. Torn by love for both immortal men, college girl connects their identities with an ancient diary and stumbles on an unimaginable truth that forces her to choose between damnation and salvation before time runs out.

    So that's it in a nutshell. Chrissy, I hope it does get me a step closer to publishing!

    I am almost done with my synopsis which has been a pain in my *&$ for a while. And I also ate pretty well today and my boss told me she noticed I'm losing again which is awesome

    Chrissy: good luck with the belly dancing class! You'll have a blast!
    Kiki: You can do it!
    Nancy: maybe add some more fish and soy products for protein? Or there is always avacodos (SP?) You'll find it!
  • Ever have one of those days where you really want to slap someone? Not really anyone specific but just feel the urge.... like you just dare some man to some into your office and say the wrong thing. I've never actually slapped someone when I've felt this way but you never know... maybe I should put a warning sign on my office door. "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!"

    I know what it is... TOM is here and I always get a little moody. That and HUNGRY... Any ideas for low point treats to combat TOM? I was thinking no pudge brownies but I need something salty too... I wonder if I put salty nuts in the batter if they'd still be salty... I foresee a pan of brownies for dinner tonight...

    hotcubanmama... you've got my curiosity... now I want to read your book to find out what happens.... the only thing is from your description I can't figure out what genre it fits into.... not that it matters because it sounds interesting but i was just wondering..... I tend to write more romance type stuff (think those cheesy paperbacks) but the story I'm working on now that I hope to turn into a full novel is more of a christian romance with a kinda internal struggle with faith to it.... I have to say that you're encouraging me to write...
  • hotcuban! I can't wait for you to be published so I can go out and buy it!
    chrissy: try popcorn that gets my salty and have you ever tried walden farm products? 0 cal, 0 fat, 0 everthing..The PB is not bad it has the right flavor but the consistency is not quite right but put that on cerlery and wall la!

    Well last night I did good with my points but today has not been as healthful, Had to atend an all day meeting and they catored lunch. Even though I chose the veggies sandwitch it had a slice of jack cheese on it, then I ate a few chips and a cookie...not my usual healthy lunch. I hope to work it off tonight with exercise

    check in with you all later