just elated

  • Just happy with myself today. Finished off "Get lean intervals" from the Chalean today.. Skipped the abs.. i cant do it; so today i wasnt gonna sit there and feel bad about it. Instead i walked outside, and started power walking/joggin (intensity of a jog, speed of a power walk) - im not sure what you call this. I set myself a goal. Small, simple, just around the block (maybe 7 houses on one side). 1 lap, no stops, same speed. And i did it. About half way, i felt my chest tense up, my shins hurt, and i kept going, i focused on my breathing, the rhythm and the shins stopped hurting, my chest opened up and i made it home. Puffing heavily BUT I MADE IT. I'm not a runner, i never have been, i remember feeling like i was dying when I'd run as a child, But i did it. A block is small. But its a starting step in the right direction. I'm ecstatic i made it without stopping.
  • That's not small...that's something you've never done before, acheived! That's HUGE!

  • Congratulations!
  • Awesome, way to go!
  • 2 laps today! woot
  • Congratulations!
    Another goal reached!