Monday, Monday

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  • i'm at a break from work (I've been working at a fast-food place for part-time, i have to go back at 5) so i'll join the party again

    kirsty - that's awesome about the flying, i'd love to do that sometime.

    Lisa - i wouldn't worry too much about the drinking either - I think it dehydrates you so that you don't weigh as much when you weigh in! but seriuosly, you can't give up all the fun, so just have a good time while you're out there, but the next day don't eat as much (sometimes you don't feel like it anyway.... ) and that's so cool about the tongue ring!

    hi lexxy & KT!

    Oh yeah - I made my summer goal! 195 and two weeks to spare! but i'm not stopping by any means....
  • I haven't read all the posts today, but I just wanted to pop in and say hi. And, my home scale says 184! I might be jumping the gun on my weigh-in day but I changed my sig anyway!

    I'm involved in a high school journalism workshop (my paper does it every year, and I'm a leader this week) all this week, so I won't be able to post very often, maybe at night. But I'll be thinking about everyone!
  • I have no time to write either, but HI KIM!! Woo hoo on your early WI.

    And oh my gosh, it seems everyone is making some AWESOME PROGRESS!! Yay us!!

    I have to run,but I did check out our pics - everyone looks great.

    And Alana-jo, if you are reading this post, you are very beautiful too - and lots of us have more to lose as well. I am down 40 with 49 more to go, so don't get discouraged!!

  • Hey everyone- Just a quick post at the tail end of Monday. I had a pretty bad weekend but today was good, so I think I am back on track. Looks like everyone is doing beautifully. And Ali- I love the pics! Such an inspiration!
