***Weekly Chat-May 24th-30th***

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  • dansin- Great! We spent the whole day at the zoo next to lake michigan! My kids loved it! And I walked aaaalllllllllllll day! Score, work out WHILE I work!
  • Hello lovely ladies,

    I hope everyone had (or is having) a good day today. I spent the majority of the day cleaning my room and still have about another 2 hours to go before it'll be somewhat clean. It's a nightmare. I've been in a 14 month Master's program and haven't cleaned my room in say um about 14 months. No dirty clothes or dishes or grossness, just piles of books and papers and general crap. I did manage to organize my closet and now I can see my shoes (I got rid of 9 pair of shoes...9 PAIR!!! i have WAY too many).

    I'm super excited because my cousin is starting a custom art business and asked me to do the photos for his website. In return he's going to decorate a pair of sneakers for me (another pair to add to the collection). I'll post some pics when he's done. He's really clueless as far as getting his name out there, so I'm glad my useless advertising degree is proving to be not so useless afterall.

    Well, it's about time for me to get back to work on this jungle of a bedroom. Hopefully the dustbunnies won't eat me alive!

  • Evening ya'll.

    Hope everyone has had a brilliant day. The first official day of my trip was pretty good, I didn't get to go walking today, sadly, because it was raining. It was too bad, because the weather was nice and cool out despite the rain... not humid at all.

    Anyway, Mom, Sis, and I went to this lovely global market today and of course Mom totally loaded down her basket with sweet things. She and Sis noshed while I nibbled, still pretty conscious about my weight.

    Then we picked up Dad from work and went out to eat, and I feel pretty good about my choice. Instead of getting my usual fare, which is like 18 million calories (hyperbole), I decided to get a grilled chicken with veggies, about 450 calories or so. I'm still in the process of finding a diet that works for me, but I figure that was a good choice for the time being. I feel light on my feet.

    Speaking of light on my feet, having found a digital scale that works for me, I discovered I am down 3 lbs from my more recent attempt at weight loss, and down 9 lbs from my highest. Totally makes me feel better about my weight-loss ventures now that the scale is not permanently stuck at the same weight for five or six days.

    Not doing personals this evening, still nursing a bit of a headache and really just wanting to sit and watch the Cubs v Dodgers game. Talk to ya'll later.

  • Hi All

    I just got home from Old Navy, and I fit into a size 18 jeans!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I bought them. I can't remember the last time I was in the TEENS in pants That's my good news for the night.
  • Gongrats, Luvya!! That's awesome!! You totally need to take a night out on the town tomorrow in those size 18s to show of your bangin booty on the dance floor!
  • Good Evening Ladies

    My day was uneventful, just LONG. All day it felt like it was Friday, even though I was in work clothes and not jeans (I LIVE for casual Friday). I'm heading to Michigan on Sunday, so tomorrow is going to be filled with freaking out making sure I have everything for my trip. I really think they should make xanex flavored water sometimes...

    I skipped the gym this morning, so I did level 2 of 30 DS - I think I was only on Day 6 or so of Level 1, but I figured I'd try - OH MY GOD - I was soaking wet by the time it was done, but it doesn't hurt my shins as much as Level 1, so that was nice.

    I kept within my points for the day - I think - I left my food journal at work, so I did my best to stay within what I thought I had less. I talked to my dad, and I'm going to apply for the Master's program tomorrow. I'm excited but scared. Its been 5 years since college and I feel like my job has depeleated my ability to read for content instead of just SKIMMING. Ugh.

    I'm just relaxing now with my roommate, watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I tried to explain this to a coworker the other day, but the only thing I could say was "Its like if someone was high at McDonald's and thought the soda, hamburger and fries could talk and were mean to each other. And they live in NJ"

    I'm ridiculously excited to get up and run tomorrow - very odd, but I think I just want the adrenaline rush. According to monthlyinfo.com, TOM will occur sometime in the next 4 days (probably as I get off the plane in Ann Arbor) so I'm going to take all the endorphins that I can get.
  • amyleigh - Thanks girl!

    stella - Enjoy your run tomorrow morning

    Anyways, I'm off to bed. Good night and sweet dreams all you pretty ladies. Tomorrow morning is my weigh in day. First one in a long long time. Yay. I haven't bothered since I had to quit Weight Watchers. So I'm making Fridays my official weigh in days from home!
  • Shantroy- LOL $70 shipping well at least it gave you an idea of what you could make yourself.

    Im up at the moment, i think its water weight, its just a kilo, so i gotta spam the water this weekend >.< And then im going to write a formal complaint to my computer manufacturer
  • Morning everyone

    Dont have time for personals right now, but just wanted to wish everyone a happy friday.

    OP day 5 here I come. And even though I was sore as i dont know what from working out with my trainer yesterday, I still managed to get you and walk. Now off to work. The lowlight of my day.

    Later gators
  • Morning Girls,

    Work has been sorta good to me this week. I am still trying to rec one of my accounts from last period. Ugh. I have spent the last 2.5 hours researching a 1 line charge. I am so frustrated I dont understand a fridgin' thing that is going on still and I have been here almost 3 periods. But at least I found the variance and I can back it up now. I havent walked all week because it had rained every fridgin day. It will be beautiful outside until about 4 pm and then the sky opens and out dumps like 3 inches of rain.

    My friends and I tonight are going to see the movie UP downtown. I am kinda excited, its our last weekend before one of our friends goes home for about 3 weeks. He is pretty much the life of the party when he is around but he will be back. Yay for us.

    Well back to work for now, we have having a eatin meetin' in about 30 minutes. Its one of those brainstorming sessions..........at least they are providing lunch.
  • So my boss just called me into his office and gave me a raise. It wasn't much (will work out to about $150ish) extra dollars a month. he though I was making less than I was, so it would have been a 10% raise at that salary. A very minuscule raise at my current one. I know I'm coming off as ungrateful, but I'm grossly underpaid for what I do and feel I've been taken advantage of for what I do. I've been doing the work of two people, literally. They've been looking for a second person to do my job full time and haven't been able to fill it. So the fact that I've been doing 2 people's job and doing it at an underpaid 1 person's salary.... Sigh. However, I do have many wonderful perks at my job. My boss completely ignores me and I can come and go as I please. I pretty much report to no one and do my own thing. That's a definite bonus. I got a raise small or not I should be thankful. ***end rant***
  • Ahh Michigan weather I swear!! Itwas sooo crappy out earlier...now its mildly cool beautiful and sunny and of course I have to go to work in a couple of hours.

    Well time to get off my butt after cleaning and workout so I can shower up!
  • Quote: Ahh Michigan weather I swear!! Itwas sooo crappy out earlier...now its mildly cool beautiful and sunny and of course I have to go to work in a couple of hours.

    Well time to get off my butt after cleaning and workout so I can shower up!
    Oooh don't say that...I'm flying into Ann Arbor on Sunday and staying until Tuesday. I was told its *beautiful* there this time of year so I have high standards for weather.
  • Hi girls......... its been a bad, bad day. Found out that my job position has been cut for next year. So, put me on the list of the unemployed. Also, today was the last day of school. Another teacher had to pull a sobbing boy off me who was begging to stay with me forever. Oh, the heartbreak. IF I could've scooped him up and brought him home.... I so would of. What a day.

    Eating has been questionable at best. Sorry girls.
  • Heather - I'm so sorry. I know how upsetting it is to lose employment. Happend to me 5 months ago, and I have been totally out of control (eating-wise) since. If I can give you one piece of advice that I've learned from all this, it is not to stray from 3FC. I have done that, and now I regret it. We ARE here for you.....

    Hi chicks,
    Hope everyone had a nice Friday. Wild wild weather here. My main goal for this weekend is to STAY ON PLAN. Weekends are always the worst. I have got to get out of the 260's! I'm tired of being here!
    x o x o