Back In Kindergarten #78

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  • Sassy~I know how you feel. I dont feel like being around my friend either. She's just been too opinionated on certain things, and I'm tired of hearing about it.

    Katy & Susan~Up is such a great movie..I know you guys will love it!!!

    Jules~We went to the Arundel Mills and the Annapolis Mall. Huh..I just realized its called the Mills. We have one like that in Az, called The Arizona Mills. LoL!!
  • I am back! On a lunch break now.

    Still on camera, feel uneasy about that. I guess I could wave and smile, or moon the boss. ha ha

    Jules- No strings that I know of besides the sex every other week. lol - jk....he wouldn't agree to that. ;0) anyway, he does gross $4000 a month, still thik he is getting off easy.
    I am glad you are having a good weekend! I have never had new furniture. The couch I have is from craigslist 2 years ago, picked that up for $50.

    Francie - I do not like opinionated people! Ugh. Glad for the reviews on the movie!

    Eating lentil soup for lunch, delish. Better get back to work.

    catch up later.
  • nothing new on this end......

    we ended up not getting drunk this weekend.....but we have been doing a lot of walking. at least me and the kids have been. Tommy has been riding his bike a lot. I got a new seat on mine, and still need air in my tires.

    the Wings played last night and WON the game! they play again tonight, and we are going to go over to our friends house and hang out and watch the game. Tommy is making chicken alfredo right now........and then our friend is supposed to make hamburgers tonight when we get there. we are going to go to the store to get a smaller diaper bag. we have been using a back pack as one since Brandon was about 18 months old and I was pregnant with Logan. But now, we really don't need something that big. So, we are going to down size to a smaller one!
  • Hello...

    SUSAN...too bad we don't live close, I have a couch I would give you. It's in very good condition, sort of a country look. Told Charlotte and Josh I would give it to them if she had her cats declawed...they would just tear it up. The houses we've looked at didn't have a family room and we were thinking of staging the family room here as a game room so...hope you are liking the new place! And glad the ex helped you out, that was nice of him and his friends. Good job on the weight...I am down two pounds this week, back in the 180' day I will be where I want to be.

    KATY...the parade looked like fun to me! And bet you were proud of the hubby! And you can do it! Go Katy, go Katy... I wouldn't even attempt to do what you are doing, so kudos to you! I've always wanting to run but never could. What are Bloom Blocks? Hope you enjoyed your Teacher Appreciation Day at DO deserve it!

    JULES...glad you are having a good weekend.

    FRANCIE...sounds like you had a fun day of shopping. Well, count me in with your mom, I am basic and boring I guess, lol...I am a plain pink, white, black, tan underwear kinda gal, throw in some stripes every now and then Glad you liked the movie. I never really go to kids movies...would take the g-kids but anytime something comes out the grandma takes them before anyone has a chance to.

    SASSY...sorry about the "friends"

    HIYA MINDEE, SUE and everyone else

    Today has been quite the boring day. Slept too late, should have just gotten up and went for a walk since I woke up at 6-go figure. But I stayed in bed until about noon dozing off and on in between watching movies. Now I have loads of laundry, actually only two, lol. And more reading...started a new book finally so looking forward to getting it finished and starting another.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the day!
  • Susan~Did you moon the boss?? LOL!!

    Mindee~Ahhh...getting drunk. I miss that..

    Cristina~I bought my mom red polka dotted underwear once..and she told me that she couldnt ever wear them. I was like..why not? And she said it was too "out there" LOL!!! When I was little and my mom still bought all my underwear and clothes..everything was always either white or pink. Every now & then, I'd get something crazy like princess undies or days of the week undies, lol. I used to get in trouble at school for showing off my underwear to the other kids, LOL!!! But the way I saw it, if its pretty..its ment to be scene!! LOL!! So much for the "good little Catholic school girl" lol. I guess I really rebelled when I got older. I started wearing thongs and low rise jeans, and I made sure they were being scene..haha!!! Of course now the only person who sees them is the hubby, lol.
  • Francie--Arundel Mills Children's Place was the one Teri was suppossed to work at. Too funny about you showing your underwear....

    Cristina--yesterday was a boring day here

    Mindee--I have a tote bag I use as a diaper bag...

    SuzyQ--Teri got a bedroom set that I love--it's cherry wood and so pretty...

    Hi & bye to everyone else...

    well, Dominic went home...cleaned, did laundry, played outside, gathered rocks and made a fire pit, watered the garden and plants around the house....had spaghetti that was really good and now after I have just fininished putting all the clothes away...I am ready to run a nice hot bath.....
  • Woooooah..........aren't we running a bit long in this thread? I say lets close it and start a new one, its a new month anyways.