
  • Anyone interested in being Weight Loss Buddies? Check in through e-mail, kind of like penpals/email pals, but geared towards weight loss, keeping each other on track, I have unlimited texting, so even texting for opinions, motivation, or whatever. I'll tell a little about myself & if you're interested, just let me know!

    I'm Danielle, I'll be 23 in 2 months, I'm from Michigan. I have a YMCA membership, but don't use it as much as I should & need to get using it more! I have Wii Fit, Cardio Boxing for the Wii, Yourself!Fitness, Eyetoy Kinetic, & DDR. I use Wii Fit daily, but want to start mixing in other stuff to keep from getting bored. I want to start doing the C25K program & be able to run a 5K in May of next year.

    If you're interested in being buddies let me know!
  • I'd be interested, especially since our heights and weights are so similar...you're a little ahead of me, but since I started 10lbs heavier I think we're par. ;oP