Same old song...but really need some encouragement.

  • hey there ladies,

    Just sitting here feeling really defeated and upset in general. I've been trying to lose this extra weight ever since my daughter was born 2 years ago. I've lost about 16 lbs but I need to lose so much more. I'm an emotional eater and the last few months have been really crappy for me emotional and stress wise.

    My husband lost his job 2 months ago and he was our only source of income, we are trying to get out of debt as well so that put that on hold. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer which really was hard because just 2 years ago she had a heart attack and triple bypass. Needless to say, i've not been eating right or doing anything that is good for me.

    I'm not making excuses but this is my reality right now and I feel like i'm underwater and just can't see to get to the top. I am a WW member and feel their plan is best for me. I have a treadmill and Turbo Jam to help with exercise.

    ughh...anyway, just feeling crappy all around and really need to turn this around. Out of all the things that are out of my control right now, this would be the only thing I could right? i have young girls and I hate that I am feeling this way....
  • Hi there!
    First of all --

    It is going to be OK. It really is. And it is understandable that your focus is elsewheres right now. It really is. So forgive yourself for this. You aren't making excuses, just recognizing your reality, which really, really sucks at this point in time.
    It is also a great thing that you are letting yourself feel crappy right now, because this is SO important. It WILL get better, and your kids are going to be just fine, and you WILL feel better, soon. I have no doubt of that.

    Maybe the best thing to do right now is to take the pressure off yourself. Make the best food choices that you can, not because you want to lose weight, but because you need to be strong and healthy in order to deal with what life is handing you right now. And if you keep this in mind -- eating for strength through great food choices -- you'll find that the pounds will come off. Maybe not as fast as you would like, but you will be doing yourself some good. And your family, too. Because if you take care of yourself, you can take care of everyone else really, really well. And I know that this is what you want. And what you can and will do.
    PM me any time -- I'm a fellow WW, too..

  • Thank you for the kind words. I think I feel like I have all these things going on like the job thing, my mom, getting out of debt etc and I feel like I should be able to do all of it. I find it hard to give myself a break sometimes.

    I know in the past if I am doing what I'm supposed to do, I totally feel like I can take care of everything, I have energy etc. But this funk is really hard to get out of right now.

    I think I will take it one day at a time right now, focus on better choices and then get my exercise in. Maybe getting the exercise in will help to clear my mind as well so I can deal with this stuff better.
  • It sure will. You aren't superwoman, despite what you are asked to deal with, so you have to deal with one thing at a time, control what you can, and accept what you can't.
    An evening walk may help clear your mind. And you can do it! Things WILL work out. They always do...


  • While you have a LOT going on that is out of your control, your food and your eating are something that you can control. You many never, ever experience as much stress as you are currently under - and no one would blame you for just treading water (at least your head would be ABOVE the surface - right?).

    That being said, I find that being able to exercise and eat right greatly helps the stress in other areas of my life. It helps me keep everything in perspective.

    Hang in there - and - you and your family are in my prayers!
  • Thanks again ladies! I also talked to my husband tonight about how I've been feeling and we had a good talk so I feel a little better. And I do believe things will get better but sometimes it's hard to see that when you are in the moment.

    Thanks for the prayers, lord knows we need them!