Welcome to the new WLS forum

  • Based on feedback from members and moderators, we have added the new WLS forum. You can use this forum to share your own WLS experiences, or ask questions if you are considering it.

    You may also post links to helpful WLS sites, or post articles which may be of interest. You may post information that covers both the benefits as well as the dangers involved.

    We do ask that everyone is considerate of others in this forum. WLS is not an easy fix, is very painful and expensive, and can be dangerous. Those that consider this route do not take it lightly and realize it is a last resort.

    Good luck to everyone
  • thank you thank you thank you
    people have been asking me for information, and i'm happy to share whatever i can. it's great to have a 'home' for all this.

    most of my posts on wls experiences have been on the low carb forum, so if anyone's interested, take a look. or not.

    let the games begin!!!!
  • Thanks from me too...
    I am so proud that the moderators and administrator listen to us. I truely feel this topic is something that is needed.

    Thanks Suszanne

  • Yay...congrats ladies for a place "of your own"..you all deserve it.

    3FC really does rock, doesn't it?

  • I have a question.

    I've seen many posts that refer to BMI. What is it? How can I find out what mine is?

    Sign me,
    New and Curious
  • Hi Cat Lady,

    That is referring to your Body Mass Index...here is a site you can visit to calculate your BMI:


    Hope this helps

  • Thank you for posting this...it is going to help me have motivation to bring down my current BMI. I appreciate your sharing-perhaps others will, too!
  • I'm so glad I found you guys! Terrific info. & encouragement! I haven't had WLS as yet, but seriously considering it! Thank you ever so much for just being here!
  • welcome aboard,cyndi! just jump in. we're a little disorganized, but very charming!!!
  • Hello everyone - I am new to this and wanted to say hi. I am in the beginning process of getting approved for WLS. I know this could be a long drawn out process before the actual surgery and know I could use any and all support I can get! Look forward to getting to know all of you in the next who knows how long and after the surgery too! Thanks and have a great day all!
  • Welcome Ts, I'm right there waiting too. I have all my test done just waiting for a date and insurance info. These message boards will teach you a lot, I sure enjoy them.
  • I just got my 3 appointments scheduled for the dietician, psychologist and the surgeon! I guess that means I am going in the right direction - I HOPE! First appointment is 11/12. I hope all goes well with your path to WLS! Thanks for the reply.