Fat Princess Video Game

  • Excerpt from the article:

    "She's plump, powerful and ready to cause more controversy than "SuperSize Me."

    She's Fat Princess, the star of Sony's upcoming video game of the same name. Debuting at last week's E3 expo, the colorful Fat Princess is a capture-the-flag game with a twist: you can thwart capture attempts by locking the once-thin princess in a dungeon and stuffing her full of cake, thereby increasing her girth and making her harder for your enemies to haul back to home base."

    I can't submit the link to the article since I don't have enough posts to submit this with a link in it, so I'll just say search for 'feminists-cry-foul-over-fat-princess' in Google. It's a yahoo featured story under their video game category.

    Also, you can check Google images for the Fat Princess game. She gets pretty huge (beyond morbidly obese) after you keep stuffing her with cake.

    I guess the concept artist for the game was female. Thoughts?
  • Well I'm not big on the cake makes you fat concept since for many of us I think it's something other than sweets that got is where we are but honestly it doesn't bother me that much. I played a Japanese game called Princess Maker once where you raise your daughter from 10 to 18 controlling her studies, odd jobs and food intake and depending on her final stats she can do anything from rule the country to be a cartographer. The best stat clothes though could only be worn if she was really thin which required putting her on a diet. A lot of people complained that it was awful but quite frankly the cutest clothes don't tend to come in big sizes and I applauded them for having other consequences for dieting. Yes she would get thin but she would be in a bad mood and lack the strength, energy and stamina to do other things like working or participating in events.
  • Misora, that's interesting.
  • Nice
  • I've heard about this game, and honestly, it just looks like another cute video game concept to me, one that hasn't been done before. Okay, so you keep the princess chained up and force-feed her cake to make her fat. So what? Designers weren't thinking of societal implications when they made this, they just wanted a cute idea for a game. It's not fat-hating and it's not fat-positive and I doubt it will affect any players' previous attitudes on fat. I mean, it's not like Super Mario Bros ever did much for Italian plumbers.
  • I think its a pretty stupid idea... but I'm not really offended by it. You could create the same effect in the game by simply including things you could do to make the princess loyal to you, and thus more likely to resist people trying to take her away. I would be more interested in something like that than feeding some imprisoned princess cake. But I am not good at knowing what people will like.
  • it doesn't bother me. there will always be ignorant fools out there you think making fun of fat people is funny or that some how it will motivate them to lose weight.
  • Quote: I mean, it's not like Super Mario Bros ever did much for Italian plumbers.
    That line set me into a fit of giggles. Thank you! LOL!
  • This is weird because some people have fetishes about feeding people. There's a horror movie where a guy tries to feed a woman to death. I can't remember what it is called. I haven't seen it.

    I had a friend who whenever he got drunk, he always wanted to feed women and tell them to eat things. He's gay but always hit on women drunk. It was so creepy to me, him telling me to eat. This reminds me of that.