Binge-free challenge ~ May 4 - 10

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  • Good Monday morning, chickies! Let's make this a binge-free week. All are welcome!
  • Good Morning everyone
    Day 7 for me.Its been hard but I feel so much better.I can remember the last time I have went a week without bingeing.I hope it continues.Have a great week all.
  • Working on Day 5 today.

    Harrismm, great job on being binge-free for a week. Can't wait until I can say the same!
  • I'm in. I'm on day 15 and I almost didnt make it.. Last night I after I had already had ff/sf pudding for dessert and was still full from dinner, I found myself pouring a bowl of cereal. I took a few bites, quickly went onto 3FC and then dumped my entire bowl of cereal into the sink. I didn't completely cave in. It was a close call.
  • Hi! It is also my 7th day. I went to OA last night and it was really good. I have also realized that I can throw veggies, fish, shrimp, greens...all in the steamer at once and steam a whole healthy meal in less than 10 minutes. So I am going to start keeping seafood in the freezer, because having that fast and mess free option for a meal will help keep me from falling back on something crappy if I am hungry and don't have a lot of time.

    I think I will go below 200 lbs this weeks. That is crazy. It's been years!!!

    Thank goodness for OA. Thank goodness for this forum. Trying to do this alone I have been stuck between 200.6 and 235 for a very long time.

    The accountability, and friendships, and inspiration might be just what I need to keep me on track this time.

    Thank you.
  • Hi all! Newbie here I'm a young-en looking to get healthy and leave bingeing forever! Today... well... binged because I'm alone at home and stressed from work. But tomorrow is a new day right? I'm ready for a change, so here I go!
  • Hi friends, hope we can all do well this week.
    This is day 2 for me, just barely made it thru yesterday too, I did mostly because there was minimal binge food around, although as the cereal lovers know, we can make a binge out of anything.
    I will be doing my best to eat well this week, but I have decided that my more important goal this week is to do some minimal exercise this week.
    That is a short walk with the dog everyday and going to my yoga and pilates classes and on the days without classes to do a 20 minute yoga dvd workout.
    The exercise helps the bingeing, and truthfully seems more manageable right now.
  • Oh, I always forget that a new week means a new thread... I was beginning to wonder what happened to everyone on last week's thread! D'oh! Hehe.

    Day 16 here... And still having trouble staving off the urge to binge. In fact, today during class I was doodling in my planner - I'm such a bad doodler, heh; all of my papers are completely covered in them!! - and I actually drew a picture of a "binge monster" surrounded by all the foods that I've been craving to binge on(/foods that have been a part of bad past binges) and me next to it, curled up in a ball and saying "no. no. no. no." over and over again... I'm sure it would look/sound more than a little corny to someone who doesn't struggle with binging, but that's pretty much exactly how I'm feeling right now. Grrr. Well actually, no--at this exact moment, I don't much feel like binging, I guess. I'm about to eat my usual evening snack of an apple, which will be nice... But earlier, my friend and I stopped in this health food store that I absolutely LOVE because they have tons of vegan food, and it was *so* hard not to buy out the whole store and gorge myself--there are plenty of foods I can usually avoid because the "normal" versions aren't vegan, but if you put me in a store like that where I'm literally surrounded with vegan alternatives, that's just inhumane!! So that definitely triggered a BIG desire to binge. I just wanted to inhale all the cookies, cakes, soy ice cream, etc... Bad Meredith!! It may be vegan, but it's still junk! Luckily, I totally foresaw myself having that exact reaction, so I made sure NOT even to bring my wallet into the store! A little drastic? Maybe. But it worked!

    Another victory is that, at least just for this week, I'm trying to focus on upping my calories juuust a little. I definitely tend towards the occasional *overly* restrictive day, and while my binges usually make up for that and keep me from dipping too low for too long (heh), I worry that if I stop the binging I might not actually be taking in enough on a daily basis... So I'm eating a little more--healthy stuff, of course, but more. And I was surprised at how much more energy I had today! So, that was nice.

    I'm proud of these 16 binge-free days. Really proud. I don't want the string to end... Good luck to all of you ladies with the upcoming week, too! You can definitely count on me to keep checking in; I have a feeling that I will really be needing this forum during the next couple of days!
  • I AM IN STARTING TOMORROW. The last two weeks have been really terrible and the scale isn't moving. It's time to get back on track and I know you ladies will help!
  • Hi ladies! I have been binging from 138 up to 148 a couple times a week for the last few months. I just can't seem to stay OP! I'm doing WW, so I added in the OA thing of three meals a day with nothing in between thing and walaa! I have not binged in three days! I am down to 140.6 again and am excited to make it down to my goal weight of 135. It's totally doable IF and only if I stop binging!

    Meredith, I can totally relate to what you said about the binging being what gives me enough calories. I also tell myself that I am just revving up my metabolism again when I binge. Lol! There are better ways to do that!
  • Day 8!!! Meredith, please don't binge!!! I come here everyday to read your posts! And I look at your pictures all the time. Your journey is really inspiring. And you totally seem like someone I would be friends with. Haha! Does that make you feel guilty enough?! Your ability to not binge, even though you want to sooooo bad, helps me not to binge.

  • I am so upset! In the middle of the night I woke up and ate 500 calories worth of ice cream, which brought my to almost 2300 for the day. I don't know what to do. I'm so mad at myself.
  • There is nothing you can do but be grateful today is a new day.
  • Happy Cinco De Mayo girls!

    Day 6 today for me.

    Last night was so rough. It was the first time I've felt like bingeing since 4/30 when I made my recommittment to getting to goal. I recognized the problem as being stress and told myself that food will never solve my problems unless my problem is true physical hunger. Food is fuel and all that. I want to make goal and be healthy more than I want anything else right now. So I had a glass of water and took a book to bed with me. Binge averted. I soooo want to make it to a month binge-free...actually, I just want to stop bingeing period.

    to the new, old and old new people! I love reading about everybody's daily struggles and triumphs over the binge monster. Hope everybody has a good, on plan, binge-free day!
  • I just weighed myself and I am down to 198.6!!! And the best part is not feeling guilty and crazy for sneaking food!!!