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  • Quote:[/img]
    No bravery here. 3 FC has helped me to get this far maybe they can give me a good shove to do something else. I have a new pic on my updated Goal thread of my hair straight. I am leaning towards liking it straight too. But WOW, going natural is just so easy.

    p.s. Yes, sorry I broke my own promise about NOT posting again.
  • THIGHS~LOL~YOU POST ADDICT YOU! just kidding thighs ~Post all you wanna on this thread.I like reading what ya have to say.
    Since I managed to snatch the computer back from my family ~HERES MY FINDINGS!
    OK~I was just reading and found this site and I guess there is 4 shapes!
    Even a banana shape also!
    I am adding the picture of them.
    I definetly think from looking at them I am hourglass.Or I hope!I like that shape. But i do have larger breast and booty than waist so it seems thats the one for me.


  • Quote: I'm watermelon shaped :......

    I was REALLY a watermelon when I started at 304#s. I figure my progession will be watermelon -> apple -> pear (what I was when I was thin before).

    Thats funny!You have agreat attitude~But hun you do not look like a watermelon!
    your an apple or hourglass.

    so what do you think I am?
  • Thighs You know I was reading back on what I said and after I looked at your pic again ~I was thinking I bet she thought I was saying she had 80's hair since you had some curly hair and cute little style going on there in that pic!~But I meant I felt like getting an 80's hairdo to go with my shirt if that makes since~If not I am a silly head~So ignore me lol! I need to stop posting on here also.
    I think I am a post addict too. hahahaha
  • Quote:

    so what do you think I am?
    A pear or an hourglass~I am not good at this.
  • Fun thread! I'll have to do a recent full body pic. I usually have a kid on my hip so it's hard to tell. I have no idea what I am.

    Lori & are crackin' me up!
  • I used to think I was an hourglass because I had decently sized hips and huge boobs. Then I lost weight, and the boobs disappeared and the hips got smaller and I don't know what I am anymore. Banana? What do you think?

  • Lori - I would have to say hourglass in progress, like me, as the weight goes down it will show more and more (she says crossing fingers)

    Thighsbegone, you look fab - have you thought about having bangs? It struck me right away when I saw your pic, I think it would really suit you.

    Lovely 91 - hourglass I think and great outfit!

    I used to be textbook hourlglass 41/31/41 but after pregnancy... well.... let's just say the waist has gone south.... This is the first current "before" pic I have, excuse the big shirt, I didn't actually realize how boxy it was on me until I took the pic, it has since gone into the donation pile!

  • I just want to chime in to say that Eskimo - you look awesome! I would say you are a slight pear/hourglass. Your hips are a bit wider than your shoulders, but you do NOT have big hips!
  • Lori---I know that's not what you meant--I know you meaning yourself for wearing that cool vintage Bon Jovi shirt in the pic. Thank u for being so considerate though! What a complete and total sweetie you are!

    Wow--banana shaped. That is a whole new consideration--in fact, I am gonna go and read about it tonight. I wonder if I qualify.

    For the record, I think we gotta bunch of hawtties on our thread that are totally rockin' the weightloss world. Keep up all your good work ladies!

    Bangs..hmm..hadn't considered them..but I am going to try to do some playing in the mirror tomorrow and try to imagine them.
  • Aw, thanks Walking2Lose! I guess it would be easier to believe if jean shopping wasn't so stinking difficult. We don't have a lot of store options in Alaska and NONE of them seem to be "made for" my body type. THOSE particular jeans I had to get from Salt Lake City when I visited, and they were almost 100 dollars! I can't afford to have 100 dollar jeans! I hope if I lose a smidge more, something magically changes and I can suddenly buy clothes in my own state for crying out loud!

    Sorry! Little rant there. But thank YOU for the kind words and encouragement!! It made for a very good start to my morning!!
  • I think I'm an hourglass - at my heaviest, I think I was more pear shape, but I think I'm getting that hourglass look back. This is an older picture, from like Oct 2008, and I'm probably about 15 lbs lighter now.

  • BARB~ HIYA!!!!! Can't weight for you to post a pic!!!

    Thighs~ Your not a banana!
    Rowenna I do not think you are either ( i think you look like an hour glass to me still~ and thighs does too.
    But I am not anygood at shapes so It's fun to see everyones opinion.

    Lizzy~pear or Hour glass in between

    Everyone else~I am in a bit of a hurry~SO ANYONE LOOKING Tell everyone what you think there shape is or Post your own picture and see what people thinks your shape is.

    THIGHS~I still can n ot get over you thinking your a banana shape~NOPE!
  • This old chickie has regained her hourglass shape