I cried today.

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  • wow. You ARE me. I'm in the same boat exactly, first time I did...the pounds melted off. Now I'm like stuck in the 170's and it's so damn frustrating and hard to lose the weight. I'm doing all that I can do but nothing seems to be happening!

    Listen, you just gotta HANG IN THERE! KEEP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING. If you stop, you'll only gain the weight or stay the same. Keep working at it, your body is just in some kind of frozen mode right now, trapped on a plateau. It will eventually give in and start shedding again. This is what I tell myself. Just keep going. Don't stop until you reach your goal! don't be discouraged and don't cry. This should only make you stronger! show that scale who's boss and kick it's ***.

    Good Luck<3!!