Team Tara ‘Eve of April’ Chat

  • Welcome, Tara-ites! For the rest of April, let’s spend some time introducing ourselves and establishing our goals. I would love to see us check in (mostly) daily for accountability and support.

    Tara is the Indian and Tibetan goddess of self-mastery and mysticism, centering, to steer a clear path, to find the stillness and strength within. I hope that this team can help us all find our own stillness and strength.

    I am searching for strength to get to the gym routinely. I am just starting my weight loss journey—12 pounds lost so far! I live in Colorado and am currently a high school English teacher. However, I am looking to do something different next year—who knows what? I live in a tiny house with my husband and four cats. We like to make beer and mead, play pool and video games. I also spend my free time reading and writing novels.

    Today was okay. I met my calorie requirements. I didn’t go to the gym today, but I did yesterday, and I will tomorrow—so I feel as though I am meeting my goals.

    But, I got a speeding ticket today! My first one ever—going 40 in a 25. Totally guilty. Ugh!

    How did you do today?
  • Hey! Love this idea, and I will def be checking in at LEAST once a day, but I'm sure you will see me here more than that. My name is Ariel, I am a 19 year old acting student in Baltimore, Maryland. I have lost 23lbs. since the beginning of March on the Medifast program. It is such a fantastic program, but because of my parents divorce that is just in the beginnings, my father can no longer afford to help me afford this wonderful program, and I have to go off it cold turkey, which is highly unrecommended for Medifast. Friday is my last day and I am nervous, but have been making meticulous shopping lists and researching to try and create a low carb/calorie diet that I can start off on and ease my way back to eating "normally" again.

    Today was alright for me, the dining hall didn't have any lean meat I wanted so I had to get these cold chicken strips that were too spicy and put them on my salad and they didn't have any ceaser out so I had to eat ranch (which I am no fan of ). It wasn't tasty so I took a small gulp of chocolate silk when I got back to my apartment. I know, I know, not the worst thing in the world I could've taken a gulp of but self control is my biggest issue and I need to be able to control it especially for when I go off the program in a few days.
  • Hello! I'd love to join. My name's Katherine. I joined 2FC this week and have already found this place to be extremely motivational and inspiring. I'm a government and philosophy student in Fairfax, VA. I moved here three years ago and despite better access to gyms, healthier foods, etc., I kept gaining weight and ignoring all of my healthy options. These past couple of months I've done a lot of work trying to improve my life, and while I didn't set out telling myself 'I have to lose x amount of weight by this specific date', I did begin to lose.

    My food strategy is eating a mostly whole foods diet. There are a few exceptions (I'm not interested in making my own yogurt, for example, and I'm addicted to Diet Coke so it'll take a while to wean myself off of it), but I'm finding myself feeling better. My budget has also improved, since I'm not eating out as much or buying prepared foods from the supermarket. I'm also sticking to leaner meats, mostly chicken and turkey, as well as fish.

    As far as exercise, I used to practice yoga, but I stopped a few months ago. I'm restarting, as well as walking around a nearby lake three times a week (4.5 miles for each walk), and working out on my stationary bike. This summer I'm planning on learning how to kayak, as well as doing a lot of hiking, swimming and camping since I'm the sort of person who is simply meant to be outdoors. ^-^

    So I just wrote a novel, basically. Sorry! Um, today was great. I'm well under my maximum calorie intake (but not starving myself, don't worry) and I'm heading to the lake first thing tomorrow morning.
  • I am so excited for this group! I have loved 3FC for the last month, it's given me tons of ideas and helped keep me on track, but I haven't really made any close friends, so maybe this will help!

    My name is Rowenna (duh). I'm 20, college student, and SO close to the end of my weight loss journey. I still struggle with many issues, like controlling cravings, incorporating nutritious foods into my diet, and not snacking too much! I had been doing very well until last weekend, when I had a huge binge on Sunday. Took me up the two pounds I lost in April, but I weighed in this morning at 107.8 -- tied for my lowest ever that I saw right before my binge, so I'm back on track and not letting it get to me.

    I'm also going to be moving out on my own later this month, and will definitely be in need of some healthy cooking tips, and more accountability when my schedule gets crazy!

    Hi to Katherine, Ariel, and Riverite! You guys sound like you're all doing great!

    Riverite- sorry about the speeding ticket! That bites...
    Ariel - I have so much trouble with my dining hall too. Everything is fried and disgusting, and they fun out of things all the time. Only 2 more weeks on the meal plan and i am DONE forever!
    Katherine - I am jealous of your whole foods lifestyle. i am just too picky to do that, but i am starting a VERY slow transition into it that might take me forever... also, keep up the yoga! it is amazing in so many ways, and honestly what makes me feel the best about myself.

    Hope to hear from you ladies (and any one else who wants to join!) soon and often!
  • Hello ladies. Good diet day so far. Keeping busy with classwork to keep my mind off the thought that tomorrow is my last day on Medifast and I am nervous about it, haha.
  • I think it's like a law or something that college dining halls have to suck. My first college really tried hard to provide healthier foods (we had a lot of vegetarians and vegans on campus) so by the time I left we had an OK salad bar, but that was about it. And the uni I'm at now...don't get me started. It's pathetic.

    Rowenna, I actually started the whole foods thing unintentionally. I just needed to find a cheaper way to eat good food, so I cook almost everything now. There are some random things I can't replicate myself to my liking, either, like yogurt, buttercream frosting, bread. Baking is my biggest problem. I'm going to spend the summer improving my baking skills. At the moment I buy pre-made breads and bagels. I buy the healthier whole-wheat stuff, but I'd still like to be able to make it myself soon!

    Today has been OK so far. I didn't end up going to the lake because it was cold and rainy (not a good excuse), but I'm about to go ride the stationary bike, so eh. That's something. And yoga later!
  • Hey again. Overall a pretty okay day. Haven't caved to any temptations for chocolate silk today, haha. I have a plain romaine lettuce salad waiting for me in the fridge that I am going to put some low fat/cal Caesar on alongside my turkey burger topped with a slice of fat free cheddar. Yum.

    Also, yeah dining halls are pretty bad. But, I tend to find okay stuff every once in a while. And once I come off Medifast, eating there will be a bit easier for me, because I will have more freedom to what I am eating and I can have a turkey sandwich on whole wheat instead of just the sandwich meat turkey.
  • Quote: I think it's like a law or something that college dining halls have to suck. My first college really tried hard to provide healthier foods (we had a lot of vegetarians and vegans on campus) so by the time I left we had an OK salad bar, but that was about it. And the uni I'm at now...don't get me started. It's pathetic.

    Rowenna, I actually started the whole foods thing unintentionally. I just needed to find a cheaper way to eat good food, so I cook almost everything now. There are some random things I can't replicate myself to my liking, either, like yogurt, buttercream frosting, bread. Baking is my biggest problem. I'm going to spend the summer improving my baking skills. At the moment I buy pre-made breads and bagels. I buy the healthier whole-wheat stuff, but I'd still like to be able to make it myself soon!

    Today has been OK so far. I didn't end up going to the lake because it was cold and rainy (not a good excuse), but I'm about to go ride the stationary bike, so eh. That's something. And yoga later!
    Wow, we are opposite! I love love love to bake, and I bake all of my own bread - with whole wheat flour, of course! I'm looking into butter substitutes... are there any that have less fat but are still good for baking?
    Also, I have a DELICIOUS buttercream frosting recipe that is better than any storebought one - but it is such a no-no! (The sugar in the recipe is measured in POUNDS.)

    My problem with whole foods is adding foods that I've never eaten before into my diet. I'm great at switching to whole wheat alternatives for foods I already eat, like pasta, bread, rice, etc, but I am an extremely picky eater, and I have no idea how to get myself to eat vegetables, and even fruits and other things that I just HATE the taste of. Fish, for example. I've eaten fish fewer than five times in my life, and I hated it every time. I know it's supposed to be great for you, but it all tastes hideously fishy to me, and I just can't choke it down. :/

    As for today, I did alright. I have been superstressed about finding a job and a place to live (I have to move out in 2 weeks and I honestly have no clue where I will be going! eep!) and it has been wreaking havoc on my cravings. But I did alright. I had a baked potato and grilled chicken, and when I desperately wanted to grab a quick dessert, I got a small bowl of cheerios instead. Not great, but could be worse. I did yoga today, but I don't think I'm going to get any cardio in. I have class all evening and a ton of homework. Hopefully tomorrow will be better on the exercise front!

    Glad you guys are all doing well!
  • Hi! So, this checking in has already helped me. I was considering not going to the gym, but then I turned my car around and got myself on track.

    Glad to hear everyone is doing well.

    Katherine - I will be so excited about hearing about learning to kayak. I've also wanted to learn, but it hasn't worked out yet. You should be proud of the stationary bike and yoga--we do what we can!

    Rowenna - Moving and a new job? That is stressful! What are you studying?

    Ariel - It sounds like you are really planning ahead with having to go off Medifast. With all that work you are putting in, I am sure you will do fine. Keep us updated!

    Work is crazy busy right now and has been trying to distracting me from my diet and exercise. So, I am just trying to make sure that I keep up with my plan. I am super excited for the weekend--hopefully it will be nice weather (it snowed last weekend) so I can get out and work on my garden. I can't wait to get my vegetables started at the end of this month!

    I hope everyone has a great night! See you tomorrow.

  • Rowenna - I am a huge baker too! And also a very picky eater. I've been trying to make an effort to try new things though, its not working out the greatest.

    Riverite - Good for you for going to the gym! Doesn't it feel amazing?
  • I'm studying just about everything. It's a liberal arts degree, I'm interested in going into communications of some sort. I actually applied for pretty much my dream job today, so everybody cross their fingers for me.

    I should not be allowed to stay up late. If I go to bed early, I don't get hungry, but when I stay up late, I feel like I'm starving! I've also bought a few things at the grocery store that I was hoping I would like (some V8 and Special K cereal) but both were disasters. I could hardly choke down a glass of the juice and I had to throw away the cereal because it tasted so bad. I can see how I'd lose weight with that stuff - I can't possibly overeat it! I guess I'll have to stick with what I know I like for now, but I am so limited in my diet, and it worries me.

    Hope you guys are less stressed than me right now! Tomorrow will be a better day for me, I can just feel it. Talk to you then!
  • I started a new May thread for us: Team Tara ‘Motivatin’ May’ Chat

    See you there!