Swine flu

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  • ANyone concerend about this?

    The CDC put out and emergency alert about it this morning.
    Keep your hands washed and hand sanitizer on the side!
  • I was reading about that! I'm concerned since I work in retail and come in contact with alot of people on a daily basis.I worry for my children more than myself.I just hope they can get this under control and we don't get it at bad as it's hit Mexico.
  • not worries and i live in a major airport hub. We'll see what happens...more than likely it will die down and do only minor issues like most influenza cases do.
  • I'm concerned. I'm sure there will be a big briefing about it when I get to the hospital tomorrow....
  • seems like it is getting worse. 5 states now have confirmed cases in the US. The US government has put out a national health warning.

    And Mexico has not shut down any of their airports only canceled large outdoor events.

    I am not worried yet but this has the potential to be very bad. The CDC has been warning about this for a long time now. But they thought the avian flu would mutate first and start the human to human contagion. Swine flu surprised them all.

    They have no explanation why the cases in Mexico are more fatal because it is the same flu here.

    I noticed some places are recommending buying some masks and storing them in case we need them because in China when SARS broke out every mask in every store was sold out in a day and the 3M N95 mask they say is your best protection if you have to go out during a pandemic to get food or go to work.
  • Slightly worried. I'm working for the tourism industry in AK this summer, which may as well be an airport hub.

    Luckily most people in the area have masks in stock in their own homes from the volcano activity last month - so I feel Anchorage is a little ahead of the game. Better over prepared, than under prepared!
  • On a scale of 1-10 for worried, I'm about a 4 or maybe a 5. It may die down like SARS did, but then again, it may not.

    The word "pandemic" scares people, but here is the explanation from Wikipedia:

    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a pandemic can start when three conditions have been met:[1]

    * Emergence of a disease new to a population.
    * Agents infect humans, causing serious illness.
    * Agents spread easily and sustainably among humans.

    A disease or condition is not a pandemic merely because it is widespread or kills many people; it must also be infectious. For instance, cancer is responsible for many deaths but is not considered a pandemic, because the disease is not infectious or contagious.
    So yes, it is scary, but let's remember that the common flu can also kill people -- and I'm not scared of the common flu (I don't get a "flu shot"). That said, since this is a new strain it is concerning, especially since they do not yet have a vaccine for it (and yes I would probably get a vaccine for this one since it is relatively new and attacks healthy folks, unlike the common flu which is deadly to the sick, elderly and premature babies).

    As for why people in Mexico died? I have my guesses. If the flu kills those in "richer" countries, I will be worried. But, I hate to say it, when a disease kills in a country like Mexico, my suspicion is that their deaths could have been prevented with the medical attention and, well, access to money and therefore medicine and things, that we have in North America.
  • I am not worried... I feel like these things are always made into a huge deal, and people panic and then 2 months later... nothing more is said about it. Yes, the deaths of these people is unfortunate. But, people die of different diseases all the time. Wash your hands, eat lots of healthy, nutrient rich foods and get plenty of exercise and sleep... it's really all you can do.
  • I agree with LittleMoonRabbit.
  • My hubby just informed me that the US/Mexico border is closed? Is this true?
  • Quote: My hubby just informed me that the US/Mexico border is closed? Is this true?
    Not in Texas, we're running and open for business. Friends of ours just crossed about an hour ago coming home from visiting relatives there. If they've been closed, we usually find out about it rather quickly since we're so close and we have locals going back and forth daily. We've heard nothing thus far.
  • Border is not closed. It won't close for economic reasons. Mexico derives 1/3 of it's income from tourism. If the borders close then the airports close and then the economic consequences for Mexico would de very bad.

    They will probably only close the border it the virus mutates again and starts killing people left and right.

    The US goverment today raised the threat level to Level 4 which is unpresidented in modern history. It only goes to 6 and IF it does go to 6 the country will be ordered into a mass quarrentine into our homes untill all the people who have it either die or recover.

    Little Moon Rabbit there has never been anything even close to this in modern history. The Hong Cong Flu in 1968 was not near as deadly even though it did kill a lot of people but mostly the elderly and young. This flu is killing healthy strong people between 20 and 40 and that's what is scaring the scientists so much.

    Hand sanitizer will not protect you. I was reading a medical website this morning that when the infected people cough the droplets stay in the air a long time. All you have to do is walk through an area where someone who was coughing and you can be contaminated. The article also said that you can absorb the virus through unprotected eyes even if you have a mask on so they recommended wrap around sunglasses.

    But I agree with Obama it is no time to go into panic mode. There are only a hundred or so cases in the US and no one has died from it yet. The danger is that it mutates again into a killer variety flu like the Spanish Flu that wiped out millions of lives.

    The only thing we can do is watch and see for right now.

    I still think it is a good idea to buy masks now because if the public does panic you won't find then anywhere!

    In Mexico the public is ordered to wear a mask if they are out in public and masks right now are very hard to find there.
  • I agree with what flatiron said ... The only thing we can do is watch and see for right now.
  • About that watch and see part...

    I started a new "bookmark folder" about it. And I like to check this google map a couple times daily to see what's new so far.
  • I am not terribly worried, these things tend to get sensationalized. At the same time my DH and I work from home and I already have a huge larder of earthquake supplies for both of us and the cats so if we do need to shut ourselves in for a month or two we can with no problems. Even more so if the power and water stay on!

    Hope for the best, prepare for the worst... that's my motto!

    Also, I just did some research to be sure but you can not get swine flu from eating pork, bacon, etc. It also won't be spread via produce as the virus can't live more than a few hours outside the body. Granted it's always better to buy local if you can but the Mexican stuff isn't going to make you sick. Still wash produce thoroughly to remove pesticides and such but it won't give you swine flu.

    Feel better? I do! The more you know!