A small kid brag

  • You all know by now that my girls are dancers.

    Madeline is 7. Olivia is 5. They both danced and medal placed in the dance festival this march.

    Madeline's GROUP dance, a demi-character ballet from the Sound of Music won first for their age division (8 and under) and TOOK THE TROPHY for the category (ages 16 and under!)

    So they were asked to do their dance for teachers own choreography.
    And then preform in the large end of festival gala event as one of only two little kid groups.
    THEN they were asked to preform for a large fund raising concert last week.
    NOW they are preforming AGAIN on May 9th for the relay for life!!!

    This is pretty much unheard of for a group in this age category!

    And Olivia danced in the festival. Got a third place medal in the 8 and under category and she's been asked to preform her SOLO at the relay for life as well!

    I am so freaking proud of these girls

    I just wanted to share
  • How exciting! I'd be proud too!
  • Brag away! That's fabulous! (I have two left feet, so I admire all dancers!)
  • Oh, so worth a brag! What brilliant girls!
  • Brag away! That's wonderful. You should be proud!

    If I can ever get my oldest son (3.5yo) potty trained I'll be braggin'!
  • oh oh oh!


    we just found out today that the year end junior ballet class (grade 5's and under) are doing a ballet production of Alice in Wonderland and my OLIVIA got chosen to dance the part of small Alice!!!!