Certain foods really are addictive--article

  • It's what some of us suspected all along. Certain combinations of food do trigger compulsive eating.

    "Dieters' Best Intentions Hijacked by Their Brains"


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  • Quote:
    What do you think of this article?

    I think you are just trying to cause trouble old friend ....
  • I think it's very interesting Jay. Thanks for sharing
  • Not surprised... I avoid some "trigger" foods like the plague myself just because one helping/serving will just set me off on a near-binge here

    Thanks for the link!

    ~ tea
  • Very interesting -- and it certainly reflects my experience. I found the comment about exercise to be especially interesting, saying that it targets the same dopamine pathways as "conditioned overeating". Exercise has been one of my key coping mechanisms, and now I see why .. I'm just getting my "fix" in a healthier way!