huge mistake that i regret

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  • i made a huge mistake. i bought a couple of sweets that i thought i could keep in the house for when i get the urge for something sweet. i got skinny cow ice cream, sugar free candy, and sugar free pudding. never should have done it. i have proven to myself that i cannot control myself with these type of items in the house. i've eaten all the candy and 3 ice creams since wednesday. i'm not nuying these things next time. it's even harder too b/c my bf doesnt eat sweets so he can't help me eat them. should i throw them out? i hate to waste the money. what can i do with them?
  • bin them, and think of the discovery as something you've had to pay money for.
    now you know one of the lines you can't cross, you've taken another step towards getting what works for you right.

    I'm the same with ice cream and candy, can't keep them in the house.
  • Ah yes, I have done the same thing with many an item. 100 calorie packs, cheese crackers, fruit bars and yes, even skinny cow.

    What I have done is get a fairly bland flavor...say vanilla or 100 calorie pack pretzels so I can have them in the house but they aren't really calling my name.

    I also usually allow myself one ice cream a day because...well, I want it! So I budget into my calorie allowance into the day.

    So the item becomes something I can eat in moderation, not something that is "totally black listed that I will never eat again so I must eat the whole box!"

    ....Does that make sense?
  • Throw those suckers out & then dump something nasty on top of them so you don't try to "rescue" them later It's better to do that than eat them...which will happen if you are the only one that will eat them. I made the mistake of buying those 100 cal pakes of oreo cookie cake thingys and before I knew it I ate the whole box....Cakes are my weakness
  • I've done the same thing. Throw them out, feel no guilt. How much worse will you feel if you eat all that are left? Consider it money well spent for a lesson learned, heck, if you are like me, you have spent money on more things that didn't teach you anything or advance your cause in any way. This was a good learning tool, not a waste.

    Toss them.
  • Quote: What I have done is get a fairly bland flavor...say vanilla or 100 calorie pack pretzels so I can have them in the house but they aren't really calling my name.

    So the item becomes something I can eat in moderation, not something that is "totally black listed that I will never eat again so I must eat the whole box!"

    ....Does that make sense?
    thanks for the suggestion...i totally get it. i will do this next time i go grocery shopping. and congrats on giving up diet coke and cigs (i saw this on the 'good habits' thread)
  • Just wanted to share a little tip that's really helped me --

    When I want something like this (cookies, ice cream, etc), I go out to a coffee shop/ice cream parlour (we have a great gelato place near us) and I just get one serving. Not only is it built in portion control, but it really makes me stop and think if I want it enough to actually go out for it.
  • Boy can I ever relate to this!!! I bought Fiber One bars once and ate them all within two days - I think it was because they had a touch of chocolate on them! I have very little self control and I can hear things like that literally calling my name.

    One trick that works for me is I buy bars or something 'treaty' and I leave them at work in my desk and not at home. I won't eat them at work because I get too busy and/or there are too many people around.

    I also buy one thing instead of bulk. It may be more expensive but it's worth it in the long run for my lack of self control.

    I love Cupcakes from this cute store where I live. I went there once and bought 3 of them - when all I needed was one. I found two tricks that work for me - first one is, I only take enough money to buy one (I leave my wallet at home), and second one is, I buy 3 mini ones with different flavors so I can have my favorites but they are bite sized which = one cupcake. That is my favorite trick of all!
  • well Im kinda in the same boat. I have a ton I mean a ton! of easter candy lying around. I just went on my diet today but I have to much chocolate. I don't even want to go near it, but I will keep it for one day. I can't toss it. I can't waste food.
  • I'm with Taylor86 on this one. I buy Skinny Cow sandwiches, WW bars, etc. and keep them around because if there is one thing I could never give up, it would be ice cream. I can't eliminate these foods completely while staying on plan, so I incorporate them into my diet. I keep them around because I'm going to eat ice cream regardless, and it's better if it's a 100 calorie snack than an oreo cookie blizzard or fast food milkshake or pint of Ben & Jerry's, etc. Yeah, these aren't the most nutritious foods for us, but as long as you budget your calories, you can still enjoy them while losing weight. I eat ice cream 3-4 days a week!
  • My two cents: I too would bin them and then IF/WHEN I really wanted something and I have worked it into my plan, then I would physically go out and get what I needed. I simply can not have this stuff in my house "just in case" because I can not control myself with it.

    No one says eliminate them completely of course, that's not realistic. However, especially if you are anything like me (I hate going out to get food items), it will really take something to get you to go and get what you are craving.

    No need to regret - you learned something from all of this!
  • Advice frequently given to me is to put them in the sink and run hot water on them for 5 minutes. You can have what might be left.

    I'm also the sort that can't waste food like that. I am finally learning to not buy things that I like.
  • Think about though what you would be "wasting"-

    Wasting another day of your life that you could have been on program and on the way to health?

    Or wasting a few things that aren't going to help you anyway?

    How much time do we need to waste, how much of our lives, how many more days/months/years are we going to waste before we realise that throwing things away that cause you to go on a binge or off the tracks is NOT waste!

    How much money have we already wasted on diet plans/programs, clothes that we don't like anyway, but they are all that fit, gym memberships we haven't used, etc., don't you think that throwing away food that has no added value to our lives can't possibly be considered a waste?

    Again, just my two cents - or maybe I'm up to ten cents now.
  • I agree with you ^. I know that I can't control myself if I have it around. I have motivation but sugar is the devil and I easliy give into it's temptation. I plan on sending most of my easter candy home with my boyfriend today so I wont have it around.
  • I'm such an emotional eater that I just don't let myself have anything in the house that isn't good for me. And if I end having a weak moment and buying something like ice cream, then later start getting the binge cravings (or just too-often cravings) I throw it out. It is empowering and a huge reality check and gets me focused again. If you do that, you are more likely to NOT buy the stuff in the future. Trust me. I now just don't buy the stuff, and it doesn't call my name at the store either.

    Also, if I want a sweet treat, I go out for it too. If we are going out for ice cream, I get a kid's size serving (which is closer to what an an actual serving size should be). A lot of times a hot chocolate satisfies my sweat cravings, and it has way less cals than ice cream.

    on a side note, if I am craving ice cream type things, I usually plan it out and get a small peanut butter mood from jamba juice for breakfast or lunch. Friggin amazing, and delicious. I usually get vitamin and fiber boosts in it. As long as you account for the cals, it is yummy and way healthier way to go.