posted progress pics

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  • You are such an inspiration to all! You've put in the work and are reaping the benefits! You go girl!
  • Wowza! Thank you for your daily inspiration. You are doing fantastic and make the rest of us want to follow in your footsteps. I'm really happy for you and all the success you have achieved and will continue to achieve!
  • Well done to you!!!!!
  • Okay. Okay. Okay.

    What an incredible difference. What an unbelievable incredible difference. Whoever says that sticking to their plan day after day is not worth it - well, they clearly haven't stuck to their plan day after day. Did that make sense? Because - look at you. Just LOOK at you!!!! I am so incredibly happy for you. Beyond words happy for you.

    It has been such a joy and a pleasure to watch you thus far as you embark on this fantastic journey towards good health. You are a true inspiration and I am thrilled for you and thrilled to have crossed paths with you. Before you know it, you'll be a "regular" over at the Maintainer's Forum sharing your wisdom and strength. I am greatly looking forward to it my dear friend.

    ***I just copied and pasted this from the Progress Pics thread. I just wanted to make sure that you saw this. I would hate for you to think that I didn't appreciate your pics.
  • WOW! WOW! WOW!

    Amazing! The difference is amazing! I'm so proud of you and your hard work...I hope you are super proud of yourself! Looking forward to continuing this incredible journey with you!

  • You are so smart to keep a careful photographic record of your journey from day 1. My favorite part is how the smile starts to peek out
  • I can't think of another word for Wow, so just wow! What an amazing difference! And guess what - you had an hourglass in there all along! I'm so jealous! (ok, let's not get into all that again, I mean: I'm so admiring of you and your new shape!)
    And your apron's gone.
    And your posture is so much better, look how you don't have to lean back any more!
    You're a star! An hourglassshaped star!
  • Awesome pics!

    I must be a little slow...I just realized those were tattoos on your chest and not a necklace! LOL
  • You look amazing and the difference is astounding...I just wanted personally say thank you for your hard work and dedication to weight loss. It gives those of us on this journey hope in the fact that we, just ordinary individuals, can do this too. I needed to see this, it helps reaffirm that what I am doing is worth it and it is doable...Thanks again!
  • You are such an inspiration and a rock star! Keep it up!
  • Congratulations HAWT mama! You look wonderful..what a transformation. Your posts are ones that I always read through carefully here. I love being on this journey with you. And as I posted on the other thread, "100 pounds in 200 days?"

    !!!!!!!!!! I hope you have already started your book! Use this as your title!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cfmama - sign me up to Robin's post - you are PROOF again that willpower and commitment make it happen. Thank you so VERY much for being here and sharing. 100 in 200 ... the stuff of legends!
  • Seriously, you are an inspiration to all! You stand as a testament that it can be done. Where there is a will, there is a way! Amazing, amazing, amazing! I have truly enjoyed watching your journey, and I will continue to cheer you on right to the finish line!
  • Wow! You are so inspirational to me and so many others! Awesome job! You will be at your goal in no time!